Chapter 7

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I cried and screamed for what felt like hours. Finally he stopped and grabbed my wrists dragged me on the cold floor back to the basement.

I couldn't help but smiled although it hurt to move, I saw the layout and codes. We were going to get out.

He let go of me when we reached the basement. I collapsed onto the ground, once he left everyone ran to me. I told them the codes and griffin carved it into the wall with Finney's pen.

I took off one of my shoes, I took a bandage and placed it on the cut on my rib. I wasn't bleeding anywhere else luckily. Billy hugged me from the back, silently crying. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I'm fine see I kept my promise." I say smiling. Robin looked pissed. "I know you didn't like the idea but look we know the layout and codes." I say giving him an apologetic look.

The other gathered around and hugged me as well. That night Billy won't let go of me which I ended up on his lap stretched out as we laid on the bed.

"Remember when we where here last and you were so nervous to lay with me." I say smiling at the memory and so does billy.

"And Vance took the majority of the bed which caused us to cuddle." Billy says smiling, I smile shaking my head and the others smile.

"Well we wouldn't be together if it was for this fucking place" I say. "That's semi true." Billy says, "we all wouldn't even know each other the way we do now." I say smiling.

We all talked about the memories we had together. We eventually fell asleep.

     I walked to the Blake's house with Robin, once I got there  I heard screaming. I immediately knew it was Gwen. I ran to the door and got the spare key and unlocked the door.

     I saw mister Blake hitting Gwen with a belt. "What the hell?" I muttered. I just stood there and Finney saw me and then mister Blake saw me and Robin and he stopped hitting her.

   Gwen ran over to me and hugged me trying to hide from her father. I was filled with shock, I slowly and gently placed my arm around Gwen.

Mister Blake just grabbed his drink again and sat back down and drank. Gwen and Finney grabbed there stuff so we could leave for school. We left and Gwen and me sided hugged as we walked, "what the hell was that about?" I asked.

"Dreams." Gwen said said quietly. "Well you can talk to me about your dreams." I say softly and the boys look at me. "What were you dreams about?" I asked kinda changing the subject. "They sometimes are real." Gwen says

"Well your not the only one, huh Gwen?" I say and Finney looks at me confused. "What? I've had dreams that come true." I say and we continue to walk to school.

As we were walking I turn around to see the grabber. I just stood there frozen as he ran up to me.

He grabbed me and tossed me into the van. I screamed and banged on the window, but Finney, Robin, and Gwen just stared. I began crying.

I felt some one shaking me, I opened my eyes to see billy shaking me. I just grabbed him and hugged him tightly and cried.

The others just watch, I could tell Robin was glad I had someone there for me other than him.

    Billy cradled me in his arms, I dug my head into his chest. I calmed down after what felt like forever. Then the door began to open we all backed up until we hit the wall.

(Sorry I got busy)

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now