Chapter 15

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It's a summer day, I'm at an lake with mom, and the group. Everyone decides to go in for a swim. I sat on a large rock watching them, I felt arms go around me.

     I turned and saw Billy, "I thought you went into the water for a swim?" I say laughing. "Nope." He popped the p, the he lifted me and placed me onto his shoulder.

    "Put me down billy!" I said laughing. But he doesn't he just keeps walking. I turn and see a van. "Billy put me down!" I demanded and my heart starts to race.

   "PUT ME DOWN!" I scream. "STOP BILLY!" I shout I look at billy but it's not billy it shaw and I look in front of me. I see the grabber.

    "STOP!" I shout. Robin comes rushing in with Billy, Vance and mom tagging along. Billy wraps his arms around me and sways me back and forth  and plays with my hair while mom turns on my lamp.

     Robin and Vance leaves with mom, "hey, hey it's okay I'm here." Billy says trying to calm me. I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my head in his chest and begin to cry.

    Robin returns with a cup of tea, he places it on to my nightstand and sat down next to me. Robin rubs my back.

    After a few minutes robin leaves to go back to bed, I lay down with my head on Billy's chest. "Did you miss me?" I hear a goofy voice say.

    I look at my door and see mom holding one of my old stuffy's. "Mom your embarrassing me!" I say snuggling my head into Billy's chest laughing. 

   "Embarrassing you is my job!" Mom says laughing. "Good night Mija." Mom says and blows me a kiss. "Good night mamá, love you."  I say smiling at her softly. She smiles and walks back into her room.

     I look at billy and nod, he turns off the lamp and I turn onto my side and he cuddled up next to me.

~Time Skip~

     I fluttered my eyes open, and I was on Billy's chest with my arm around his waist and he had his arm around my waist. "Good morning love." Billy says and places a gentle kiss on my head.

   "Good morning." I say I sit up and he does to. I groan remember I have to go see a therapist. Billy laughs as I get up to change, "your not the only one who has to see her." Billy says.

     "Yeah well she gave me a fucked up homework assignments." I say rolling my eyes "what she gave you a book to write your dreams and thoughts in." Billy says getting up to change.

      I let a huff, "why are you huffing and puffing?" Billy says fake pouts. "Shut up your starting to sound like a mom when her kids upset." I say "yeah well kids are cute." He says wrapping his arms around my waist.

    I softly laugh, "I never expected the paperboy that hated babysitting, likes kids." I say laughing "yeah." He says softly and ruffles my hair. "I just did my hair!" I say laughing. Billy grabs a brush and does my hair while I put on light makeup.

  When we are done I put on my shoes and grab my jacket. I grab my key but Billy snatch's them.

"Oh my gosh, all I want is to drive my own car." I say laughing and Robin and Vance come down and roll their eyes.

They also have to go the therapist. Vance and Robin also go on Saturdays with me. We all hop into the car and I get shotgun while Billy drives.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now