Chapter 34

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                        A few days after.

     They already went to court for Henry.

Billy woke up I assume to go to work. I got up and got my clothes.

Then walked into the bathroom and showered and changed and then went into the kitchen to cook breakfast.

I saw a note and read that Vance went to play Pinball and Robin and mamá went shopping.

Henry slowly came down rubbing his eyes. "Hey mijo what do you want to do today?" I asked.

"Can we go to the movies?" He asks "sure. I just have to sign you up for school." I say and he nods.

We eat and change, we leave and I wrap my arm around him and pull him into a side hug since he seem sad.

"Cheer up." I say smiling. "Why you getting rid of me." He says which causes me to stop and he does to.

I squat down to his level, "I'm not getting rid of you, i by law have to send you to school so you can learn." I explained.

"Why do I have to learn?" He asks "yes so you can be smarter then me." I say. "Ok." He says.

We get into the car and he jumps into his chair seats and buckled himself in. I drove to the school and signed him in.

Then we went and went to the movies and watch two movies. Then headed home since Billy just got off work.

I cooked us some dinner and we ate. I left some for the others. We went to the park and Henry made some friends.

We went home around 7, and saw Vance and Robin and they chased Henry around for a while.

Around 8 Henry went to bed due to being tired. Me and the others just sat there talking about memories.

"Remember when You used to follow Billy like a lost puppy?" Robin said.

"I also followed Vance around since I wanted to be just like him." I said.

"Remember the first time you threw a punch?" Vance said to Billy who just rolled his eyes.

"Remember the time you sucked a guy off?" Billy said who Vance just stuck up the finger.

"I wanna dance." I said and went to turn on the music. But got stopped when the phone rang.

   I went over to the phone and answered it. "Hello is this Mrs. Showalter?" A sweet feminine voice says.

    "Yes this is her." I say "well I would like to let you know you have won the case and have adopted Henry." She says.

    I let out a scream and the others come running over. "What is it, love?" Billy asks "we won" I say jumping up and down.

     Billy's expression changed to a exciting one and he ran over and lifted me up and hugged me spinning me around.

    "We did it!" Billy say as tears fall from our eyes. Henry comes down rubbing his eyes. "Did what?" He asked.

"We've officially adopted you." I say smiling as billy put me down. Henry's eyes go big as he runs over to us.

He hugs us and I bend down and pick him up and he hugs us again. Robin and Vance come over and hugs us.

Mamá comes in and looks at us confused. "Did you win?" She asked and I nodded and she ran over and joined the hug.

After a few minutes we let go and I bring Henry up stairs and into bed. I place him down onto the bed.

"Good night mijo, love you." I say and he smiles. "Good night mommy. Love you too." He says and turn around and falls asleep.

I walk back down to the others as they are laughing and joking. "What did I miss?" I ask sitting on Billy's lap.

     "We were just saying how Vance is always talking about Bruce but then he denies that he like him." Robin says laughing.

    "I don't like him!" Vance says turning a bright pink. "does anyone want wine?" Mamá asked. "Yes please." I say and everyone agrees.

     Mamá walks into the kitchen and came back with the bottle of wine and a few cups. Then She pours into some glasses.

We all take one, "oh my god Remember when I attempt roller skating!" I said and laughed. "Yeah only because I had to drag Robin out because he fought another kid." Mamá said and we all laughed.

"He was a little Mocoso!" I say and he rolls his eyes as we all laugh.

"Do I have to throw you off the rocks at the lake again!" Robin says. "no harás tal cosa" mamá said. (you will do no such thing)

"Why cause she's your favorite?" Robin says. "I" I started but bursted out laughing. "No that's is true." I say and we all laugh.

Around 11 we all head to bed. Billy pulls me into a cuddle and he does with Henry too. We all fall asleep within minutes.

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