Chapter 21

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     We arrive at the lake, and I take off my outfit and ran into the water and the others follow. "CHICKEN FIGHT!" Gwen shouts and with that I got on Billy's shoulder.

The teams where Bruce on Vances shoulder, Donna on Finney's shoulders, Gwen on Griffins, me on Billy's, and robin as referee.

        I start to push at Bruce and the girls help me. "Bruce just fall down!" Gwen says laughing. "He will do no fucking thing!" Vance says, and just as he said that we push Bruce off.

       "They are out!" Robin shouts laughing, "FUCK!" Vance says and Bruce comes up laughing. I go after donna while she goes for me, Gwen sits this one out only so that she can win.

"Come in hurry up!" Robin complains since he wants to go. I finally push Donna off, I turn to Gwen and we start pushing each other. Billy cheats and pushes Gwen's feet and I push her which causes her to fall off of griffins shoulders.

"FUCK YEAH!" I shout and billy laughs, "Billy cheated!" Gwen says laughing. I get off of Billy's shoulder, and swim closer to everyone.

We play a few more rounds until we get bored, so we play Marco polo. "Marco?" Robin asks, "POLO!" We all shout.

"Marco?" Robin asks again, "POLO!" We shout and robin hears Finney and grabs him and pushes him under the water.

We play a few more rounds until we get tired so we got out and sat on the rocks. "Anyone hungry?" Donna asks and we all say yes, so me, Donna, Bruce, and Finney go to get snacks.

Once we got back we handed everyone some snacks. Billy pulls me down to his lap and wraps his arms around my waist, and places his head on top of mine.

"Tired?" I ask and turn my head to look at him and he nods in response. He places a gentle kiss on my forehead.

We stay like this for a while and just talked, people started to come for the sunset. This group of 20 year old guys came and got into the water and stared at Gwen. Vance, Bruce, and Robin and griffin left to go get dinner.

The started to whistle at her, that's when I got up and they started to come over to me. "Why the hell are you staring at her?" I ask them "why are you jealous?" One of them asked "No, she's a minor and you aren't!" I raised my voice.

They just rolled their eyes, "we do what we want." Another one of them said. Out of anger I pushed the one in front of me, when he pushed back I punched him square in the nose

    He stumbled back and fell onto the ground, I took my chance and got on top of him and punched him again. He's friends ripped me off and everyone came running over.

      Billy took me out of one of the guys arms and wrapped his own arms around me. I tried to wiggle out of his grip but it was no use. "LET ME AT HIM!" I shout and the guy gets up, "No Y/N not until you calm down!" Billy says.

   "The little perverted bitch was staring at Gwen!" I say full of rage. "I know but he can press charges on you!" Billy says annoyed. "Yeah well maybe he will stop looking at LITTLE GIRLS" I spat.

"YOUR PSYCHOTIC LITTLE BITCH!" He shouted, "YEAH WELL AT LEAST IM NOT A PERVERT!" I shouted and everyone turned to me, the guy wiped his nose and he and his friends leave.

    "Fucking bitch." I my mumbled. I turn and see Finney and Donna talking to Gwen. Me and Billy walk over and sit back down.

"Good punch." Gwen says smiling "thank you." I replied. "And I thought you didn't like violence." Finney says "I don't but that ass had it coming." I said. "He sure did." Robin said walking with food in his hands.

"Man Robin was in the was so I couldn't see." Griffin says, "all you need to know is that i taught her good." Vance says "only reason why I know how to fight is because your bitch ass kept punching me." I say look at Vance.

"Shut up." Vance says. "ShUt uP!" I mock him, he just simply rolls his eyes. Well until he takes one of the snacks and throws it at me. "You are so fucking immature.

After about another hour we headed to my house for a sleepover. We went to my room and sat down but before I could sit down billy pulled me onto his lap.

"Why so clingy?" I whispered into his ear. He just shrugged and placed his head into the crook of my neck. Donna took a picture and I stuck up the middle finger.

We all talked and laughing, after a few hours we decided to go to bed, I went and brushed my teeth.

Billy was in my bed when I came back from brushing my teeth. I got into my bed while the others slept on sleeping bags. I laid on my side and billy wrapped his arm around me.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now