Chapter 14

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Mom let go after a few minutes, she had tears in her eyes aswell as on her face. Mom grabbed my face looking at the cuts and bruises I have.

   I just look away and see the cops dragging shaw out of the house. Everyone follows my gaze, "thank god." Vance says "This psycho cycle better stop." Robin says. "I hope." I say softly looking down.

   The emt ask mom if she can speak to her. I suppose to talk about our Injuries. Vance had a bruised rib from shaw kicking him, Robin had bruises knuckles.

    We were all taken to the hospital though, well Just me and billy but the others tagged along. Me and billy were in the same room we got bandaged up.

I was told that I needed to rest for a week, turns my injuries were worse the Billy's but the adrenaline had kept me up and on my feet not really feeling the pain. Well now I know why I was tired the whole time.

"Can we go home." I complained, "in a few minutes Mija." Mom says "Estoy tan cansada solo quiero ir a casa." I says exhausted.
(I'm so tired, I just wanna go home)

"Oh silencio, no eres el único." Vance says which causes my eyes to widened. "aprendiste español!" I say and he nods.
(oh hush, your not the only one)(you learned Spanish)

"You'd free to leave." The nurse says smiling, she then leaves when mom nods. We get our stuff and leave I see billy and I wave.

He see and walks over to me, he hugs me and then places a gentle kiss on my head. "Now we can be happy again." He says and smiles at me. I kindly return the gesture.

I waited outside with Vance and Robin while mom got the car. "Hey N/N"  Robin says and I look at him. "Yeah?" I say.

    "Here." He says handing me on of his extra bandanna. "Wait are you serious?" I say in shock since he has never let me touch or wear any of his.

    He nods and I take it and tie it around my wrist. Vance taps my shoulder and I turn and he puts on of his bracelets on my wrist.

   I laugh and grab two of my three matching rings and place it on there fingers. "The three sibling who survived an asshole." I say and we laugh.

    Mom pulls up in the car and we all get into the backseat. We leave the passenger seat open only since we all want to stay close, especially after what had happened.

         I'm just glad I can lay in my bed,
     in my house with all of my love ones.

A/N: Hey everyone I'm thinking of continuing this just not with kidnappings. I'm not sure but for now it's just going to be romance and the after math. 😁 it's also My birthday 🥳

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now