Chapter 29

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I saw Finney asleep but he wakes up due to me bursting in. "What?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

I don't answer him I just run to Gwen's room and see gwen who just woke up.

He runs over and sees the panic on my face. "Don't tell me." He starts and I just nod.

I feel tears fill my eyes then the phone rings again so I pick it up. "Come find me." The voice says and hangs up.

I look at the boys, "we have to go to that house." I say and there eyes widened we all take off and get the others. We all go to the old house but not until I get something from my house.

"Y/N you act as if he won't know you have that." Bruce says. "Well I have to try." I say and we get to the old house.

    We see no one there, but me being me I walked to the front door and opened it. It was still for sale, I walk in and turn my flashlight on. "Where the fuck are you asshole." I say I walk to the basement door and turn to the others.

"We split up, four of us go down and five of us stay up here." Finney says and I agree. "Fine, but who?" Griffin asks. "Me, Y/N, Finney, and Donna go down while the rest of us stays up here." Robin says which I agree to.

I open the door and walk down with Donna behind me holding onto my arms. I remember every time I've been on this stairs it's been good. I've escaped with this stairs so let's hope we can again if shit goes wrong.

We get to the door that had sealed us off, away from our parents months after months.

I reach for the knob with a shaky hand. I grab on to it and Finney and Robin place their hands on my shoulders to reassure me.

"Ready." I ask and the nod. I open the door to see no one, I feel tears fall down my face.

  If Alberts alive then he's going to go after other kids. I can't have other kids go through the hell we did.

  I look around and see nothing, so I leave and so doesn't everyone I'm with. I shake my head and we walk out of the house.

    Where else could he be? I look and see a light on across the street. Me being me i went over and the others follow so I knock on the door.

     That's when I saw some one I thought I'd never see again.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now