Chapter 44

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Me and Billy were going out to the clubhouse with the others to get drunk while Henry slept over Jules house. Jules mom, Emily had the day off so she offered for them to sleepover.

"So we are going to the club house and party?" Billy asks and I nod. "Can we go now!?" Henry asked impatiently.

    "I guess we can't stall for ever!" I say acting annoyed. Henry and Billy just laugh, "well are we going or not?" I asked.

    We all go to the car and Billy drove to Jules house and I get out and Emily greets me.  Jules comes and takes henry inside and me and Emily laugh.

      I say good bye and me and Billy drive off. We go to the liquor store and I take out my  'ID' and pay for the liquor.

    We walk out and we drove off to the clubhouse. I got out of the car once we got there, we walked to the clubhouse and go in.

    "WE'RE HERE BITCHS!" I shout holding up the beer we got. Billy rolls his eyes. I place both packs of beer we got on the coffee table as Billy placed the vodka we got next to it.

    Everyone grabs a beer and we start to drink and laugh as we joke. "LETS PLAY NEVER HAVE I EVER!" Donna suggested Vance poured the vodka. "OK I'LL START!" Gwen shout.

"Never have I ever kissed someone in this room!" Gwen says and me, Billy, Vance, Bruce, Donna, and Finney took a sip.

We all continued until we were drunk, i then turned on some music and turned it up high. We all danced.

I let the music take over my body as I felt the music flow through my body. Billy came behind me and placed his hands on my hips and we let the music take control.

I turn to see Billy's blue eyes, I stare into the as we danced. I turned to him and he held me as we danced.

    I had my cup in my hand as we danced so I took a sip.  After an hour everyone except me and Billy had fallen asleep.

    Me and Billy went into one of the empty bedrooms. Me and Billy had sobered up, once we entered the room Billy grabbed me and pinned me up against the wall.

    He leaned in and kissed me and I kissed back. Things got heated and the night continued on.

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