Chapter 47

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    I see that it is positive, I slide down the wall as tears fall down my face. "Everything okay Mija?" Mamá asks threw the door.

I couldn't answer her I just cried, not sad tears I was happy but also nervous. "Mija I'm coming in!" She says and opens the door.

She sees me on the floor and she comes over and hugs me. She looks at the test and looks back at me.

"Mija this is good." She says, "i know but I'm nervous." I say "nervous why, because there's a little bebé in there." She says and points to my stomach. (Baby)

I nod and she laughs, "come on Mija you have Henry and you are doing good." She says "although his a little chaotic." She says and I laugh.

"I'm ready to tell billy." I say and she nods. We walk to the car and she drives me home. "I got to go Mija." She says and I nod.

I walk in and see Henry on the couch and billy with him. "Billy can I talk to you." I ask and he nods so we go to the bedroom.

"What's wrong love?" He asks "I'm pregnant!" I blurt out. He just stands there in shock, "I'm going to be a dad again?" He says and starts to smile.

He hugs me and lifts me up and spins me around. Then he gently places me down, "I'm sorry." He says bending down to my belly.

We head back out to Henry to tell him the news. "Henry." I say. "Yes mommy." He says "do you know what little brother or little sisters are?" I ask.

    He nods "why am I am big brother?" He asks "yes you are kiddo." Billy says and I nod. "IM GOING TO BE A BIG BROTHER!" He shouts, "I WILL GIVE THEM PIZZA WHEN I SEE THEM!"  He shouts and runs around. and I laugh.

     "Yup." Billy says laughing too, "can we get pizza?" Henry asks jumping and siting down on the couch.

     I laugh even harder, "yes we can kiddo." I say and we order some pizza and it arrives and we eat it.

    While we ate Henry spoke, "can we name them panda?" He asks. "I don't know mijo." I say "ok well I don't care as long as they can eat pizza." He says which causes us to laugh.

After about an hour it's 7 so we watch a show and then I bring Henry to his bed and kiss him on the forehead.

I walked upstairs and cuddled up next to Billy. I then let darkness consume me.

(A/N: should she be pregnant with one or twins or triplets idk, also I wasn't thinking about adding a cliffhanger last chapter but I couldn't miss the opportunity)

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now