Chapter 54

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Robins POV

I wake up and see Henry and Jules hugging each other trying not to cry. I get up and go to them and wrap my arms around them.

"It's okay, I'm here." I say trying to calm them. "Your my hero Tío." Henry says. I then here the door of the cellar open and I get up.

"Sit your ass down Arellano!" Katie shouts pointing the gun at me. I sit down as I glared at her.

"Why the fuck are you doing this?" I ask, "oh I don't know Robin maybe because you put my father in JAIL!" She shouts the last part.

I give her a puzzled look, "SHAW! ROBIN MY FATHER IS FUCKING SHAW!" She shouts gripping the gun tighter.

"YOUR FATHER FUCKING KIDNAPPED ME!" I shout and she point the gun somewhere else and shoots. "ILL TELL YOU WHEN TO FUCKING SPEAK!" She shouts.


"That does mean you take it out on us!" I say and with that she walks out in anger. I notice she had left the door unlocked.


   It's been 3 days, I guess I fell asleep on the couch at home, I heard the phone going off and I got up and ran to it.

    "Hello?" I say quickly, "hey Y/N do you miss Henry? Jules? And robin?" A voice says and I immediately realized it was Katie. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER! WHERE ARE THEY?" I shout and she just laughs.

     "I thought you would know the famous  Y/N Arellano the one who came up with the plans to escape." Katie says and then laughs.

     That's when all the memories came back of when I was in the basement with the others. "Your one sick fuck." I say and she laughs then she hangs up.

        I slam the phone back on its base and see Billy staring at me. I know he heard the conversation.

I grab my keys and storm out, Billy follows me. "Y/N don't do whatever your thinking!" He says but I'm already in the car. He gets into the passenger side.

"Y/N your almost 12 weeks pregnant you should not go on a fucking goose chase!" Billy says. "That my brother and son, and a girl that is like my daughter! I'll do anything for them no matter how fucking pregnant I am!" I say pissed off.

He sighs, "Fuck Y/N! Fine let's go." He says caving in. I drive off to the grabbers old house. I see Vance and Bruce already there.

    "What are you guys doing here?" Vance said questionably, "we got call." I say blankly about to walk into the house but Vance grabbed me.

     "And you thought it was ok to come here!" Vance whisper shouts. "YEAH MY KID IS IN THERE WITH MY BROTHER AND A GIRL THAT MEANS ALOT TO ME!" I shout back pissed.

Robins POV

I walk up the stairs with Henry and Jules following me. I go to the door and see Y/N but she doesn't see me nor does anyone else.

"Don't move!" Kate says. I freeze and turn around and realize she had the gun pointed to Henry.


    I turned around and see Robin with his hands up and Katie pointing the gun. "ROBIN?" I shout as I quickly walk to the door, I look in more and see Katie is pointing the gun to Henry.

    "ROBIN!" I shout again but I'm banging on the door. "KATIE PUT THE GUN DOWN!" I shout again.

Billy runs over and so does everyone else.I feel the adrenaline pumping through my body. Next thing I know the gun goes off.

I have a ringing in my ears but I continue to scream and banging on the door. Katie runs out the back and Vance goes after her while Bruce goes next store .

"JULES I NEED YOU TO OPEN THE DOOR!" Billy shouts but Jules just stands there frozen. I finally could move so I grab a big rock and bring it to the door and smash the glass.

I crawl in and see Robin on the ground bleeding. I rush over to him and see that he is shot in the chest. I take off my shirt and place it on the wound

It looks like it's were the heart is but he's still breathing. "Robin you need to stay with me!" I say as I take off my shirt and place it on the wound. Billy takes the two kids out of the house.

"Robin stay with me!" I say as tears fall down my face. "I'm not ready to die yet." Robin says as tears fall from his face. "Your not going to die!" I say.

I hear the ambulance sirens coming closer. "See there almost here so stay with me!"I say as robins eyes begin to shut. "N/N I'm tired." Robin says and shuts his eyes.

"NO! Robin stay with me!" I say as I choke on my tears. I feel a lump in my throat. Two emts drag me outside, "let go of me! I need to make sure he's ok!" I shout while struggling against their grips.

Billy comes rushing over and takes me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Y/N you need to calm down." He says trying to calm me down.

I get taken to an ambulance, everything starts moving in slow mo. I look up and see the ambulance that had Robin drive off.

An emt comes over and looks at me, "can I get you a cloth to wipe off you hands?" She asks but I can't find the will in me to speak.

She grabs a cloth that's in the ambulance and the gets off and starts to wipe the blood off my hands.

I just stare at where the other ambulance was. Billy walked back after Emily came and picked up Jules.

I was right there! I could have done something! Why didn't i do anything! Robins dead! I thought.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now