Chapter 70

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    We ran until we reached a road. "don't go to the road! Go to the right." I heard someone whisper in my ear so I turn to where I heard it.

    "Guys no." I say and everyone looks at me, "what?" Emily whispered. "This way." I say and take right, "COME ON GUYS! COME BACK!" I heard Katie say.

     My eyes widened and we began to run, "turn left." Someone whispered again. I turn left and everyone followed.


    "turn left." The voice whispered. I didn't make the turn in time. "TURN LEFT!" Another voice said but this time the voice was harsher.

    I turned left again, "COME ON NAUGHTY CHILDREN COME BACK!" Albert shouts.

"stop." The voice says and I do. Everyone then stop quickly around me.

I stare at them with my eyes wide, "your the only one that can hear us, your the one." A little girl says.

"Who said that?" Finney asks. "Wait do you not see them?" I say "who?" Donna asks. "Them." Gwen says and points to them. "You must go back and get katie" the little girl says.

"James will take you." The girl says, "I'll take the others to safety." The girl says. "Y/N what's happening?" Billy asks. "Gwen take Vanessa." I say and Gwen takes Vanessa.

    "I have to back." I say, "no you are not!" Billy argues. "I have to." I say and walk up to him, "I love you mi amor." I say and then kiss him.

    I kiss Rowan, Vanessa and henry on the forehead. Then I leave them and James tells me where to go.

   I end up at a cabin, "in here." James says, I then go into the cabin. "In that box there is a rope and tape." James says and I take them. "Why are you helping her." I ask James. "She helped us but we are lost now." James says.

    "Where are you?" I asked "basement." James says and walks out of the cabin. As soon as I get out I bump into someone...

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now