Chapter 53

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Henry's POV

I was in a basement and Tío Ro was asleep. Jules was curled up in a ball in the corner. I went over to her and wrapped my arms around her trying to calm her down.

She just continued to cry, she laid her head on my shoulder and she sat on my lap. I played with her hair until she had fallen asleep.

   Tío Ro woke up and looked around frantically.

Robins POV

    I awoke in the a cold room on a hard mattress. I looked around and quickly, the memories came flooding back and I felt tears come to my eyes.

     I ran to Henry and Jules and frantically checked them for any marks. I woke Jules up in the process. I hugged them and held them as they cried.

      After about an hour the two kids fell asleep so I got up and started to look around for anything that could help us get out.

      Sadly things were fixed since the last time I was here. The only thing was the toilet in the other room and the mattress in the main room.

    I backed up to a wall and cried, I fucking hated crying. I just missed mamá, Y/N, Vance, Finney and everyone else.

     I feel so pathetic, I let fucking Katie take us. I should have done something. I could have fought back. No I couldn't have she had a fucking gun.

     That fucking bitch! All I did was break up with her since she THE ONE THAT CHEATED! I wanna scream, I feel anger fill my body.

    I start to grip my hair tightly, I get up and start pacing around the room. I need to get out of this fucking place with Henry and Jules safely.

    I start to get frustrated, I gripped my hair tighter. I can't calm myself i punch a wall in rage and scream.

    "FUCK!" I shout and Henry wakes up. "Is everything ok Tío?" He asks and I turn to him. I instantly calm down and go to him.

    "I'm okay Henry." I say and wrap my arms around him. "We will be ok." I say and he nods and I let go of him.

    He lays back down in the bed and falls asleep. The door starts to open, I quickly turn to it. It opens to the point that Henry and Jules wake up.

     I see Katie standing there, I go to walk up to her. "Slow your roll, Arellano!" She says and points the gun to me.

      I stop and glare at her, she diverts her attention to Henry. "You come here!" She shouts and Henry get up and starts walking to her.

      I stop Henry before he gets to her. "No." I say and she gets mad. I glare at her, "FUCK! You Arellano's have to make this so fucking hard!" She shouts.

     She storms over and grabs my hair and I get up. "FUCKING BITCH!" I shout and try and get out of her grip but she just points the gun to my head, so I stop moving.

    "Shoot me!" I say and she stares at me. She lets go of me and tosses me to the ground. She's lucky I don't have the energy, I haven't eaten in a few days.

     She points the gun at me as I'm on the ground. She straddles onto me. "Your such a bitch you know that Robin!" She shouts at me.

    "Your the only bitch!" I shout back and she punches me. "HA! You even punch like one!" I say but that just made her madder.

    She takes the back of the gun and starts hitting me with it. She stops after a minute and then she gets up. "Your lucky!" She says to Henry before she walks out.

    I go over to Henry and Jules and we all cuddle on the bed until they fall asleep.

   How are we going to get out of this one?

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now