Chapter 63

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It's been 6 years, the twins Vanessa and Rowan are 6, and Henry is 12. I just walked to the school and picked Henry, Jules and the twins.

"How was school?" I asked. "Eh." Henry said, "Awesome!" Vanessa says. "Well I have to work at the gas station so you guys are tagging along." I say.

"Can we play pac man?" Rowan asks, "sure just stay with your brother." I say as we approached the gas station.

"Ok!" Rowan asks and they run into the store. Vanessa stays and holds my hand as we walk in. "Hey Ro." I say, "hey N/N, are you sure you don't want me to take the kids home?" Robin asks.

     "We will be fine, Billy's going to pick us up went he's done with work." I say. "Fine then suit yourself, I have to go home." Robin says and looks at Jules.

      "Come on! Can't I stay here with Henry." Jules begs and gives Robin the puppy eyes. I look at Henry who looks like he's about to do the same thing.

     I playfully roll my eyes so Henry gives Robin the puppy eyes to. "Please Tío." Henry begs.

    "I'll be fine dad! I won't cause any trouble for tía." Jules says. Rowan and Vanessa join in now. "Please Tío" the twins say.

     "Come on Robin. Ill need another lady here to keep me company." I say, "not you too." Robin says.

      "I just helping out." I say with a smile. "I've been your friend for 24 years of your life and your helping them out!" Robin says jokingly.

      "Yeah well to bad." I say. "Fine but Jules you have to call your mother and tell her." Robin says.

"Ok." Jules says with a shrug and goes into the back to call Emily with Henry following right behind her. "I'll pick her up at 6?" Robin says.

"You know she can sleepover." I say, "ok then." Robin says with a smirk, I roll my eyes and go behind the counter.

"She says I can stay here and if it alright with you tía I can sleepover." Jules says "it's alright with me." I say.

Robin leaves and Jules and Henry go somewhere in the back or outside to hang out while the twins play pac man.

A few customers come in and buy some stuff.
"Mom me and Jules are going to get the box's in the back and start to stock the shelves." Henry says.

"Ok but be careful mijo and Jules keep him out of trouble." I say and she lightly chuckles. They walk out and then an ice cream truck comes in and parks at a pump.

"MOMMY CAN WE GET ICE CREAM!" The twins shout running to me. "Fine but be careful and get me one too." I say and hand them the money.

They run out and to the truck and I turn around and pick up a book and read. The man who drives the truck comes in and pays for some gas and leaves.

After 10 minutes the twins aren't back and it's time to lock up. I walk out after I lock the cashier. "ROWAN? VANESSA? HENRY? JULES?" I shout and get no response.

All of a sudden everything goes black.

Sequel of 𝘚𝘌𝘝𝘌𝘕 𝘈𝘛 𝘖𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝘈𝘙𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘊𝘙𝘈𝘡𝘠! Where stories live. Discover now