1 || Time Portal

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Today the gang, except boboiboy had nothing to do, they had no missions since they already finished their missions for the week, and boboiboy had gotten a mission with his dad, even tho boboiboy didn't want to go with his father.

They were alone at the cafeteria since the other agents are at missions. The gang was eating, "Why does bbb hate his dad?... I mean his dad is a well known admiral! " gopal suddenly blurted out. Now the gang was now discussing on possible reasons for bbb relationship with his dad.

In the midst of their conversation yaya saw something unusual "Uhmm guys, is that a portal? " yaya said pointing behind fang, they all turned to where yaya was pointing and when they did they were suddenly sucked into the portal.

They landed on a concrete floor and when they all stood up and looked around the room they saw someone wearing a familiar red armor, they couldn't see his face because of the shadows. "Hello! We're sorry for the inconvenience, but what year are you from? " said the person while stepping out of the shadows.

"Why are you askin-" ying was about to finish her sentenced, but she stopped when she saw the persons face. The others were confused to why ying stopped and when they looked at the person, they were also shocked.

Seconds passed and the person was now wondering if there was something wrong, but his train of thoughts was cut short when, "ADMIRAL AMATO!?! " the gang shouted, "But why do you look younger?" gopal added, "Uhm yes, I'm admiral amato. I look younger cause you guys are in the past. "he replied.

"Wait we're in the past!?! How!?" Fang shouted "Let me explain. So we built a time machine to the future but it seemed like you guys were sucked in by the portal" explained past amato, "Okay... So, what year is this? " asked fang "This is year 20**, So what year did you guys come from?" asked past amato. "Just 6 years from now" yaya replied.

The gang and the admiral were now sitting at the corner while the engineers are trying to re-open the portal to let the gang return to their own timeline. They were all quiet, only hearing the sounds of wrenches used at the portal.

"Uhm admiral, Do you have a son?" gopal asked, "Yes, I do. Do you guys know him in the future?" asked amato, "Yes, we know him, he's our friend and our leader. " replied ying, and Amato was shocked to hear his son is a superhero, "How did he become the leader?" amato asked, "Well, he became the leader since he's the most powerful out of all of us." said gopal, while fang only rolled his eyes.

After answering amato's question they went back to being quiet. 'So my son will be a superhero, and not just any hero a powerful one!, wait! WAIT!, how did he pass the savage trial' Amato thought, so he decided to ask the gang, "Uhm how did you guys pass the savage trial? ". The gang looked at each other whether to answer or not, but decided to tell. "Uhm we passed using our powers admiral." fang replied.

"Wait! You kids have powers!? Can you tell me?! " Asked amato with curious sparkling eyes, "Ehhh, I have Time manipulation, Fang has Shadow manipulation, Yaya has gravity manipulation, gopal has Molecular manipulation, and boboiboy has elemental manipulation." ying answered.

Amato was speechless, this kids have powerful powers that when used properly they could destroy an entire planet in mere seconds! And did they say his son has elemental manipulation! Amato thoughts were halted when they asked something...

"Uhmm admiral, why does boboiboy hate you in our time?"yaya asked, followed by ying "Yeah, everytime he recieves a mission with you, he doesn't want to go, and he loves doing missions." what they said made amato shocked, 'my son will hate me, Why? Did I do something?' Amato thought then he remembered something.

"May I ask, When did boboiboy last saw me in your timeline?" Amato asked "He did told me you left him when he was 11 and you promised to visit him every year, but you didn't visit him once, and he only saw you again when we had a mission at laskar station" gopal replied, and fang nudged him "why didn't you tell us abaut that! " fang whispered to gopal.

"So he hates me because I left him... Thanks for telling me kids, I'll try to not do that mistake in this timeline" Said amato. Suddenly the head engineer called them "Admiral! The portal is ready! " the engineer said. "Well it looks like it's time for you kids to go back" said amato, to which the kids only nodded.

The gang said their goodbyes to the past admiral and returned to their time. And Amato now knows not to leave his son behind.


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