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Laskar vs Tapops war!AU is now officially my favorite AU

So here's another one


Boboiboy ran through the battle field, dodging lasers and aliens. His features, distraught despite the news that will sustain their chances of winning this war

He stopped as the horrid sight that reached his peripheral vision. The man he loves more than anything in that state broke him

Laughter echoed through the planet. Everyone stopped and turned to the front. Cheers of TAPOP's troops echoed paired with the worried screams of the LASKAR troops

Their beloved Admiral, tied and ready for execution. While TAPOP's tiger admiral laughed at the state of his enemy

"Witness the power of TAPOPS!!!" Tarung shouted, proud

The LASKAR agents tried their best to save their admiral but all was in vain as the TAPOPS agents successfully guarded the space of the execution

Boboiboy's eyes darkened as he saw the comforting smile on his father directed towards him. He can't let this happen

Boboiboy transformed into solar and teleported behind Tarung. He attempted to blast a small solar attack to push Tarung back but was unsuccessful as Ramenman from TEMPUR-A stopped him

"What are you doing Cadet?!" Ramenman scolded

Boboiboy struggled to get out of the strong grip that's holding him in place. Tarung turned to boboiboy, face serious as ever

"Cadet, I know you don't condone killing, but interfering in a war execution is prohibited in our station. It can result into expulsion, which I can do now." Tarung explained, his aura more menacing than usual

"But... Since you're an exceptional agent. I'm giving you a chance to stay" Tarung said. "Ramenman, tie him."

Ramenman obeyed and tied his hands up tightly on his back

"No! Don't!" Boboiboy cried out

The ruthless admiral ignored his pleas and continued on with the execution. Fang, Yaya, Ying, and Gopal, along with the LASKAR agents saw boboiboy's situation and tried to help but was cornered by TAPOPS agents

"Fang what do we do??" Gopal cried out

Fang struggled to make a sentence or even a plan, his shadow cocoon was about to break as the agents outside tried to get them

Despite his efforts to keep the coccon standing, it fell leaving them open for any attacks. A giant laser was shot their way, everyone braced for impact but it never came

They opened their eyes and saw Captain kaizo with his energy sheild

"Captain!!" Fang cheered

Kaizo turned to his brother with a smirk, "We won't allow him to die, won't we pang?" Kaizo said referring to the man who raised them, the man who was about to get executioned

Fang nodded in determination, getting himself ready to fight for what's right. Everyone else also readied themselves for a battle of the century

Hours passed with agents of both sides falling from pain and hiding in fear, but the gang and kaizo stood tall. Maskmana also arrived in the midst of the battle earlier

But their determination didn't last as other captains of the station teamed up against them, leading them to be stripped of their powers and tied with metallic ropes. Their bodies covered in bruises and bleeding wounds

Boboiboy lost all hope as he saw his friends' state. Tarung laughed the outcome of his friends attempt of rebellion against them. Everything seemed hopeless to him now

He looked at his father with tears in his eyes. This wasn't what he wanted when he signed up to be hero

Amato knew what his son was feeling, and he wanted his son to be comforted and not heartbroken when he dies in this cruel universe

He moved his lips and silently told his son, "It's okay"

When boboiboy saw what his father was mouthing to him, something in him snapped. It wasn't okay, and it's never gonna be okay if he loses him

Multiple emotions mixed up inside him. His visioned blacked. He had enough

His eyes glowed gold as a light blinded everyone but the people trying to help him. His eyes glowed orangey red and the ropes tying him burned off

His eyes glowing in an array of colors. The colors of his elements to be specific

Everyone stared at him in fear, confusion, and worry as he slowly ascended to the sky, while red lightning cackled striking arrows that's shot towards him

The wind getting harsher and harsher as the ships started to shake from instability

Thorny vines surrounded and attacked Tarung but he dodged, but the vines didn't stop. At the same time flowers bloomed near everyone that was fighting for justice and healed their wounds

The ground shook and the ground cracked open, swallowing the TAPOPS agents whole

Ice shards fell from the sky, kaizo and the others ducked in fear but the shards only sliced the metallic ropes tying them while wounding the people who was fighting for the wrong

Orbs of light lit up the field, blinding enemies and guiding the ones who helped

Amato finally stood, and stared in awe at the display of power by his son, but he was also worried for his son's mental and physical health

"Boboiboy..." He whispered, voice laced with worry

Boboiboy turned to Tarung, who was exhausted from fighting the elements. He descended in front of him

"Cadet! I order you to stop!!" Tarung yelled, believing that he still has the authority to order him

The red lightning cackled ever more powerful, and lightning struck beside Tarung, causing the latter to lose his balance and fall

Boboiboy held out his hand, arrays of color mixing together in a sphere. With no emotion he pointed the concentrated orb of power towards the admiral

His friends, Captain, and Father saw what he was about to do and ran to stop him from doing something irreversable, but they were....

... Too late.

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