32 || His past...

353 31 2


The backstory for the chapter "30 || Grim" It was requested so here. Sorry if it's short, I made this during class

Grim, the merciless agent of laskar. Known to be cruel to his comrades and crueler to his enemies. No sense of remorse from the young lad. And he's only 9...

He thought of himself as fearless, and he felt proud of it. He's confident that everything will go his way, but that's only when he's hiding behind his mask

He's a kind boy, known in his city to have a heart of gold. He knew he was 2 faced by the way he lived his life. A merciless agent at space, a kind angel on earth


But he'd never thought he'll face a predicament as cruel as this...

"What's with that face? Is the fearless Grim afraid?" Vargoba chuckled

Grim was stuck, he didn't know what to do, what to say, or anything. He was forced to choose between the 2 people he cherished the most

His parents...

"Clocks ticking. Regretting that you destroyed my fleets?" Vargoba taunted

He stayed silent. He can't choose. He turned to the left where his father was unconscious tied to a rope, with one swift push he'll be floating in the abyss of space

He turned to his right where his mother was held by her hair with a sword to her neck. Despite this, she held to that thread of hope. Not the hope that she'll survive, but the hope that her son won't be scarred by this

"3" Vargoba counted down

"Boi, don't worry, it's gonna be okay" His mother tried comforting him


A tear slid down her eye as she knew what she had to do. "Boi?"

"Mom?" Boboiboy answered to the call of his mother

"1. Good choice" Vargoba cackled as he told the pirate to cut his mother's throat







Sorrow fell upon Laskar station. Atmosphere more quiet than it used to

Amato felt lost. He only remembered getting knocked out and woke up to see his son practically almost killing vargoba and was sorrounded with pirates' dead bodies

He looked around, and there he saw. His wife's lifeless body on the ground with a puddle of blood. He then blacked out. He didn't know what happened after, and he didn't want to know

He was the one who carried her body back to the station. Only remembering that vargoba escaped. Both him and his son went directly to their quarters after the morgue agents took his wife

No exchanging of words with his son. Just silence. He locked himself in his room, not wanting to accept reality...


"I'm resigning" Grim spoke, his voice devoid from emotions

Maskmana glanced at him, his hazel brown eyes tired and red from crying.  He understood why

"Alright" Maskmana nodded. "I'll have an agent send you back to earth"

Grim nodded. He gripped his mask one last time before placing it on the hogher ups desk

"Hm?" Maskmana hummed in question

"I'll change my ways. I won't let anything like that happen anymore" Grim spoke, determined

Maskmana smiled from behind his mask

"Good luck, Boboiboy"

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