16 || Favorite Child

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"Ayah! Look!" a boy shouted

Two twin boys ran to their father, each holding a paper with a family drawn on it. The twins showed the drawings to their father

Their father smiled warmly, "It's beutiful, Boboiboy" the father said, as he picked up Boboiboy. Completely ignoring the other twin

"Can ayah lift me up too?" the other twin asked

"Not now, reverse" the father said sternly, before turning back to boboiboy

"Does boi want ice cream?" the father asked

"Yay! Ice cream" boboiboy cheered

The father and boboiboy then went out of the house to get ice cream, leaving reverse alone


"Where is reverse, ayah?" boboiboy asked

"Uhh, don't worry. He just wanted some alone time, so leave him alone for some time, ok?" the father replied

"ok ayah!" boboiboy agreed innocently


'why did ayah and boi leave me?' reverse thought

'Do they not like me?' he thought as tears formed in his eyes, threatening to fall down


"Admiral Amato has gone missing" admiral tarung stated

"WHAT?!" boboiboy yelled as he suddely slammed his hand on the high tech table

"Oh- uhh, sorry" boboiboy apologized as he realized his actions

Boboiboy sat back down, ignoring the confused looks his friends gave him

"What's with him?" gopal whispered to fang

"beats me" fang whispered back. Though he is also curious about his best friends reaction

"All of you will be apart of the case, investigating about admiral amato's whereabouts" commander kokoci said

"You are now dissmised" admiral tarung said

The kokotiam gang did the tapops salute before exiting the meeting room. As they were walking down the halls to the cafeteria, fang noticed that boboiboy was bothered by something

"You alright, boboiboy?" fang asked, a bit worried for his friend. The question also caught the attention of the others

"Oh- uhh, I'm fine" boboiboy

Fang frowned at the reply. It was pretty clear that something is bothering their leader, and he just replied with 'I'm fine'

"You know you can talk to us right?" Yaya said

"I know..." boi answered

"So tell us what's been bothering you" ying said

"Alright" boboiboy sighed in defeat

"It's just that, with our constant missions, I'm getting a bit stressed lately. Especially now that an admiral has gone missing" boboiboy said

His friends looks at each other before smiling warmly at their leader

"You know, you worry about those things at the wrong time. You should relax a bit! It's lunch break after all. Now came on I'm hungry!" gopal said

Boboiboy chuckled. It always amuses him how gopal cheer him up

"Gopal's right. We should enjoy our break than stressing out about our missions, besides we'll find admiral amato soon" yaya said

Boboiboy smiled warmly, He was happy he had friends like them

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