4 || The news...

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It was just a normal day at tapops, Gopal and Fang at the cafeteria, while Yaya and Ying are at the library. Where's Boboiboy if you may ask? well our elemental hero is having a vacation at his hometown, Kota Hilir with tok aba.

Fang's POV

"Fang, Yaya, Ying, and Gopal please report to the meeting room." the speakers announced.

Me and Gopal then went to the meeting room. On our way we met up with the girls.

"Hey Fang, Hey Gopal!" The girls greeted us

"Hey" Me and Gopal replied

We then walked together to the meeting room. When we arrived, we did the tapops salute to our commander.

"You called us commander?" I asked as the temporary leader

End of Fang's POV

"Ahh yes, I have a mission for you four. We need you to deliver news to the family of Admiral Amato" commander said

"Ehh, what kind of news commander??" Gopal asked

"The news about his death..." commander said as his tone darkened

"HUH?! Admiral Amato died?!" Fang exclaimed. The news of his death was a shocked to Fang since he saw Amato as his uncle.

"He was ambushed in one of his missions. Luckily mechabot was saved since before he died he used the escape pod for power spheras." commander explained


"Not to be rude commander, but shouldn't the laskar agents do this mission since admiral Amato was a laskar admiral?" asked Yaya breaking the silence

"Yes, originally the laskar agents were tasked to do this mission but no agents are available at the moment, and since laskar and tapops are close allies, we decided to let you four do this mission."

"So, where do we deliver the news? and who should we talk to?" asked Yaya

"You will deliver the news to his only son, Aaron Diaz. He is at earth, Kota Hilir, Malaysia. Here is the exact coordinates." commander said as he handed fang the tablet

"You are now dismissed"

Yaya's POV

We then walked out of the room. While walking through the hallway I noticed Fang looking devastated, so I decided to ask him.

"Hey Fang... Are you okay?" I asked

"I'm fine... Is just that I didn't expect admiral Amato to die. I saw him as my uncle since he always took care of me especially since my brother was always busy training with admiral Maskmana." Fang explained

"Hey... It's ok. Atleast he's at a better place now" Said Ying trying to comfort Fang

"Thanks guys." Fang replied while smiling a bit

"Hey, isn't boboiboy at kota hilir?" Ying suddenly asked

"Now that I think about it, you're right" I replied

"Maybe he knows Aaron diaz..." Fang commented

"Let's just go do this mission" Gopal said

/Timeskip/ and End of Yaya's POV

They are now in front of Aaron's house, The boys are playin rock, paper, and scissors to decide on who would knock on the door.

"HA! paper beats rock." Gopal exclaimed

"*Sigh* finee" Fang grumbled

"Why did we let them do this again?" Ying whispered

"Just let them be, Ying" Yaya whispered back

*Knock! Knock!* Fang knocked on the door, they then heard a faint shout 'Coming!' the voice seemed like from a boy their age. Then someone unexpected opened the door...

"BOBOIBOY!?" The four shouted at the same time surprising the latter

"Uhm hey guys, what are you doing here?" Boboiboy asked confused, but didn't get an answer

Boboiboy let them in the house, they then sat down at the sofa. And boboiboy asked the same question again.

"Uh, Do you know someone named Aaron Diaz, by any chance?" Fang replied with a question

"Uhh, I'm Aaron Diaz." Boboiboy said

The four then looked at each other confused. Ofc they would be confused, they didn't know that boboiboy wasn't his real name. It was just a FRIKING NICKNAME.

"DEY, why didn't you tell me 'boboiboy' isn't your real name! Aren't I your best friend" Gopal exclaimed while shaking his elemental friend

Boboiboy wanted to answer but he couldn't since Gopal still didn't stop shaking him.

"Haiya, If you want him to answer then stop shaking him you moron!" Ying scolded Gopal, Which he complied

"I thought you guys knew. Anyways, why are you guys here?" Boboiboy asked

Their faces were then turned to the look of concern as they remember the news they had to deliver.

"We'll tell you, but tok aba needs to hear this too..." fang replied

Boboiboy was both confused and worried about his friends, they looked like they'd seen a ghost when boboiboy asked why they were at his house. But he still went to call tok aba from the kitchen.

/A couple of minutes passed/

Boboiboy, Tok Aba, were now sitting facing the four.

"First of all, Is admiral Amato related to you guys?" Fang asked, making sure if boboiboy is really Amato's son.

"Uhh, He's my dad. Why do you ask?" boboiboy asked, more concerned

"Admiral Amato died during a mission..." Yaya said with a gentle tone

Boboiboy and Tok Aba's eyes widened with shocked.

"Y-you're j-joking... R-right?" boboiboy asked as he stood up from the couch and tears sprung from his eyes


The deafening silence was enough to answer his question. He sat back down on the couch, mustering the courage to ask what happened, but couldn't. Tok aba seeing his grandson's state, he decided to ask.

"What happened?" Tok aba asked carefully

"He was ambushed on his mission, but he was able to save mechabot before he died" Ying said

The four of them felt bad for both boboiboy and tok aba. If they knew boboiboy was Aaron, they wouldn't have agreed to this mission. Now the only thing they could do is to comfort their elemental friend.


(I may or may not make a part 2 of this, but i'll keep it in mind.
I also apologize for the late update. I decided to change my writing style a bit.)

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