24 || Deal

431 31 1

"You sure about this?" Fang asked while catching up to his elemental friend

Boboiboy didn't bother to answer the alien and just continued to walk to the commander's office

"Why don't you think about it first?" Fang suggested

Boboiboy stopped and turned to fang, annoyed by Fang pestering him. "I already told you, this decision is final. F-I-N-A-L." Boboiboy spelled out

"C'mon! You could atleast tell me the reason" Fang spoke

Boboiboy looked down before replying, "It's personal"

"So your gonna leave us just like that? Without even telling us the reason!!" Fang shouted

"You'll know when we get there" boboiboy said. "Just trust me, please..." he continued as he sent a sad but trusting smile at his alien friend

Fang sighed. "You better have a good reason for this" Fang stated


Once they reached the office he could see the admiral and commander discussing something with Yaya, Ying, and gopal, maybe about a mission

"I would like to resign from this organization" Boboiboy sternly stated as he saluted to the higher rankings

And oh boy, he didn't fail to shock everyone in the room. Even fang, he knew about this but it still quite shocking

"WHAT?!!" The Y&Y duo, and gopal shouted

"Your leaving me, boboiboy!" Gopal whined as he dramatically fall on the floor

A fake cough from the admiral silenced the dramatic boy. "State your reason cadet" The admiral said

Boboiboy didn't answer. Instead he glared at the midget commander. Everyone else followed his gaze

"Well, someone didn't do their end of the deal." Boboiboy said in a low voice

The admiral raised a brow. "Explain this deal, cadet." Admiral asked curiously

Fang, Yaya, Ying, and gopal also listened attentively, also curious about this so-called deal.

"That I would join this organization in exchange I could meet a certain someone" Boboiboy coldly sneered as he shot another glare at the midget alien. "And it's been 2 years already."

(FYI: Boboiboy joined tapops at 14, so in this timeline he's already 16)

"Wait! So you didn't join because of us?" Gopal questioned

Boboiboy didn't really care if his friends stay. He's okay with that as long as he gets out of here

"Not really... " Boboiboy replied. "I never really wanted to be a hero. I wanted to be a normal kid" Boboiboy continued

The gang eyes widen in disbelief. Their leader who rushes into the fight recklessly, who also has a heart of a hero, just wants to be a normal boring teenager?

"But... You acted more like a hero than any of us. So how come?" Yaya asked

"So I can protect you guys. You're still my friends afterall" boboiboy replied

The admiral turned to the commander with a piercing gaze. "Making a deal for him to join TAPOPS? Kokoci, you know that is a violation. And not doing your part of a deal is another violation." Tarung said in a serious tone

"B-but admiral! I didn't have a choice, he wouldn't join unless I made a deal! And I am trying to do my part of the deal but the person he wants to meet is almost impossible to contact or convince!" The commander explained

"Who even is this person?" Gopal thought aloud

"Answer the boy's question, kokoci." Tarung said

But before the commander could even answer, boboiboy answered for him. Not really a specific answer but enough to be understood by everyone

"My dad" boboiboy said

The gang quickly understood why boboioy made the deal with the commander now. They know that voboiboy missed his father and that his father hadn't visited him since he was 11. So they understand how much boboiboy wants to see his father

Tarung turned to kokoci with a puzzled look. "If it's his father, a mere human."

Boboiboy shot a glare when he heard tarung say 'mere human'. He knows damn well his father isn't just a 'mere human'

"Then why can't you cantact him?!" Tarung shouted

"A-admiral, it's because-"

"Because what, Kokoci?!"

"Because it's admiral amato from laskar station!" kokoci quickly said

And tarung paused. Fang perked up hearing the legrndary armored hero's name, Fang slowly turned to boboiboy to only see him smirking proudly

"I'm off then. I'll be asking ochobot to teleport me back to earth" boboiboy said as he walked towards the door

"You're the son of Mechamato??!" Fang shouted as he stared at boboiboy's back

Boboiboy turned around to look at fang. "Oh, no! I'm just the son of a mere human. Isn't that right admiral" Boboiboy said as he sent a mocking look towards the tiger


And that's it for todays update! And this took longer than expected. Surely not because of me forgetting I started this *Cough* but that's besude the point!

Anyways hope you like this!

Ixfonia... OUT!

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