60 || First Love

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The crickets chirped as the moon light illuminated the night sky. Everything was quiet as everyone took a relaxing rest from a day full of work or school, well except for one.

The light from his phone hardly lighting up the room, only enough to notice the troubled features his face offered. His fingers kept afloat from the contact list of the phone specifically, a contact whose name was Mara

Mara, a second year in college studying  medicine on the other side of the world and might he add, his long distance girlfriend for 4 years and his first love. Their relationship was an amazing thing for both of them, having found comfort from one another

The young boy sighed as he finally pressed to call her, his mind racing from nervousness. The other side picked up and greeted with a cheerful hello, calming his thoughts a bit

"Happy Anniversary and Happy Valentines, Mara..." He greeted softly, his gently shifting to a picture of them when they first got together

"Happy Anniversary and Valentines to you too, Amato" Mara greeted back before her tone shifted to a rather scolding one. "Why are you calling at this time? Isn't it in the middle of the night there?"

Amato chuckled at her unique way of worrying for his sleep. "It's fine, I couldn't anyway" He replied. "Especially since your away" He joked

"Har har, anyway you should really get some sleep. Don't you have a mission for space tomorrow?" Mara asked

"Yeah, and the higher ups up there said I'd be up there for a while" His tone changed

Mara frowns as she noticed the troubled tone of her lover. "Don't worry, I'm sure you won't be gone for long" She assured

"But last time they said that I stayed in space for a months maybe they'll make me stay longer this time and I won't be able to talk to you" Amato spoke his troubled mind

Mara frowns in worry, both of them had a small argument last time Amato went to space. Then, Mara didn't know how long he was supposed to stay in space and after 3 weeks of no contact, her mind started to wonder things she knows he wouldn't do

But this time, she knows how much she should trust him. "I can wait a few months" She replied, making the other chuckle

"You sure? Maybe you'll miss me too much" He teased

Mara smiled, she was glad he wasn't feeling down anymore. "Now go to bed, you wouldn't wanna miss a mission would you?" She mused knowing how he doesn't like to do double missions

"Yeah, yeah. Good morning, love" Amato replied, fearing to do double missions again

Mara chuckled as her plan worked. "Good night, hun" Mara replied, before ending the call

Mara sighed, mentally preparing herself for no contact from her lover for possibly months


Amato smiled, staring at his phone. He was glad he had loved a kind and understanding woman like Mara

He'll just hope he won't be gone for to long...









Amato ran as fast as he could through his home town. His features more mature than before, but his eyes were laced with the same worry he felt everyday

The moon was up and the city was quiet. Only thing he hears would be the crickets of the nights and his tired panting

He searched and searched for the one he loves but all was in vain. He stopped his tracks in the park, sighing in defeat

His eyes glazed around the park, only for him to stare at very person he was looking for

The angelic hue of brown as her eyes and the way her fair skin glistened in the moonlight while sitting in her wheelchair made him feel like he fell in love all over again

As he was about to make his way to her, a man about his age got to her first. He syared confused and worried

"Hun, it's getting late. I should take you home" The man said, followed by a kiss on her cheek

Mara smiled. The same warm smile she used to direct at Amato. A wave of sorrow swallowed Amato's heart as he realized he may have been to late

He noticed how Mara's eyes widen as she glanced at him and how her eyes reflected a bit of guilt

"Just a little while more, love. I have to catch up with an old friend" Mara told her supposed lover

The man glanced at Amato, flashing a friendly smile before nodding to Mara. "I'll leave you two alone then" The man spoke. He seemed to know their history

As the man left, Amato slowly made his way to his love— ex...

His heart aching in sorrow as every step took him closer to her. "Mara..." He whispered in slight pain

"I'm sorry, Amato..." She apologized, her voice filled with guilt

"Why...?" There were too many questions he wanted to ask but this one was the only thing his mind vould speak

Mara stayed quiet. She knows she was in the wrong but so was him. "I wanted to wait for you... I really did" Mara began, her eyes began to sound shaky

"I waited and waited til I graduated but you still weren't here. I tried to reach out to maskmana to contact you but I couldn't..." She explained. "And after 3 years of you gone, I gave up. I moved on and found someone new" She added, a faint smile on her lips

Amato stared as his heart ached more. He wonders how alone Mara was when he wasn't here. He wonders if it was his fault she fell out of love. He realized how her decisions made her more happy than he could

Maybe he isn't meant to be with her...

"I'm so sorry..." She apologized once again, her eyes staring at the moon

"It's fine..." He managed to mutter. "I was at fault as well" He spoke, his eyes glistening with tears

"I'm sorry I made you feel alone. I didn't try to reach out. And I didn't fught to come home earlier." I told her

"I enjoyed every moment we spent and I hope we're still friends. And I'll try to move on as well..." He spoke, voice sounding like a promise despite the painful weight inside his chest

"Thank you" Mara whispered, fighting back what seems to be tears of both sadness and joy as she felt the weight on her chest fall apart, letting her feel light

Amato nodded, accepting reality. Accepting the truth and accepting that Mara doesn't love him as much as he loves her...

As much as he wants. First love never lasts...



Because my love life is wrecked so should theirs. Yes, I'm bitter..

But anyways, don't like the ending but the start was fine for me.

Happy Valentine's everyone!!

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