10 || Reverse

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A phenomenon that lives in the mind of a certain alien race, the feuchu

There are 2 types of reverses, the good ones and the bad ones. You can tell which one the alien posses by their personality, if the alien is kind and caring, they're reverse is the opposite, and they're the bad ones

If the alien is evil, then the reverse is kind, they're the good ones. In short, the reverse personality is opposite to the alien host

The more evil the reverse, the more powerful the reverse is, and the more it will likely to take control of the body

And the kinder the reverse, it is less likely for the alien to get controlled since the reverse is kind they will not attempt to control the body

Tho, there is a way, a way to avoid being controlled. That is willpower. The stronger the reverse, the more willpower you need

When a feuchu's body is controlled by the reverse, they call it possession....


One day a boy named boboiboy was born from a feuchu mother named Arna, and a human father named Amato. But not long after the mother died due to childbirth

Amato knows about the reverse as his late wife did warn him about it.

"Amato you need to be careful on rasing our son, don't let him be too kind or his reverse might take control..." Arna said before letting go of life

Despite the warning, Amato raised boboiboy to be kind, believing on his son to fight off his reverse

Resulting to boboiboy having a 'golden heatr', he acted like an angel

Amato was worried that maybe the reverse of his son will take control. But after years of observation, it looked like boboiboy had enough willpower, or so he thought...

When boboiboy was 10, Boboiboy came back from his visit to his grandfather with powers. This surprised Amato, but he supported his son nonetheless

When boboiboy was 11, Amato had no choice but to leave his son with his father due to his work

4 years later, Amato was incharge on a possessed feuchu, who was killing people mercilessly. His job was to capture the feuchu

He would get to investigating the feuchu, but he had to visit his son first. After 4 years he could see him again

When he arrived at palau rintis, it was quiet. Too quiet. He mechanized with mechabot as he was suspicious, because even tho it was a small town, it was never this quiet

He went to his father's home. It was filthy, spider webs in every corner, tall lawn grass and the tree by the house had no leaves. The house looked like a hounted one

He went inside, his guard up. It was dark. He explored for a bit, he saw nothing. Not even his son and father

Lastly he went to his son's room. As he opened the door he saw his son lying on the bed, he looked unconscious (keyword: looked)

He was about to run to his son but mechabot noticed something

"Amato.... His hair... " mechabot whispered, voice full of worry

He examined his son's appearance, he was much paler, and his hair was white

"Heh.... I guess you noticed my new looked" the boy in the bed said, his voice was similar with boboiboy's, except there was clear malice in the boy's voice

Amato readied a fighting stance, expecting an attack.

The boy stood up from the bed and looked at amato in the eyes

'Red eyes?!' Amato thought

This clearly isn't his son. He thought that this boy was an imposter, he didn't think of the possibility that this is his son's reverse. No, he thought of it but, he truly believe that his son had enough willpower and he wouldn't be controlled

"WHO ARE YOU?!!" Amato yelled

"Oh, you don't know your own son?" The boy questioned back

"You're not him!" Amato yelled once again

"Hahahaha" The boy laughed with amusement, making Amato confused

The boy smirked "I just waited for the perfect time to take control" He said

Amato eyes widen from the realization. Eyes full of disbelief. "Y-you're his... " Amato stuttered. He can't even finish his own sentence

The boy's smirk grew wider, "You're right. I'm his....

.... Reverse"

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