63 || Protect

242 20 10

A bullet traveled through the war field, aimed to hit a certain hero of the galaxy. The bullet pierced the hero's skin successfully.

"Shit!" Boboiboy cursed, a bullet hitting him on his elbow. He held his elbow from the pain, as more bullets hit him

'They're targeting my vitals... Shit, I need time to recover...' Boboiboy hissed in his thought

His footings became unbalanced as he fell to the ground. Frantically, he looked around the warfield, trying to make up a plan so he can heal

"Argh—" He grunted as he felt a bullet hit both his shoulder blades

With a frustrated groan, he sent an emergency back up call from his watch. They needed it.

He needed to heal and he doesn't have the time to do so. His friends can't cover for him, their tending their own wounds

He looked back at the multiple aliens holding guns, specifically made to hinder his abilities. They pointed their weapons at him once again, aiming fire

One more hit and he won't ever recover. He closed his eyes, awaiting for the pain that was about to course through him as those aliens shoot fire


Boboiboy opened his eyes as the pain never came. Instead, an agent who he never spoke to, stood in front of him taking the shots that was meant for him

"A-agent...! What are you doing??! Retreat!" Boboiboy frantically spoke in guilt and worry. He didn't understand, why would he something so suicidal

"PROTECT THE ONES WHO HAS A CHANCE TO WIN!!!" The agent screamed at the top of his lungs before collapsing to the ground

"Agent!" Boboiboy yelled. He was supposed to save these agents from death, why was the opposite of what he wanted. He would die to protect these agents, so why did they die protecting him

A barrage of bullets were shot again without him noticing. As he looked up multiple agents he's familiar with in the agency shielded him from it

"W-wait!! Don't...!" Boboiboy frantically exclaimed, yelling at the agents to retreat but none listened as tears of guilt ran down his cheeks

Multiple agents fell as others came and shield him. His eyes widen from all sorts emotions

He was supposed to be strongest. He was supposed to save them, not the opposite

He was pathetic. Named the strongest but being protected? Pathetic

His mind came blank as tears continue to fall. "Agents." He spoke, his voice stern and unwavering. "I said. Retreat"

The agents who were still alive stared at him in slight fear at his order. The sense authority surrounded the boy

His eyes seemingly glowing in array of his elements colors. A barricade made of ice and earth shielded the agents who were shielding him

Vines with countless flowers blooming on them crept on the ground of the agents as it emmited a light green smoke, healing their wounds, even the fatal ones

"The one's who passed cannot be revived." Boboiboy spoke, in an echoed like voice

"Retreat with the wounded, I'll cover everyone as you retrive the bodies as well" He spoke again before turning to the aliens who pointed their guns at him

The clouds of the planet darkened as boboiboy reached his hand to the sky.

"Thunder rain"


Just another drabble I made in school.  Inspired by that one scene in the manga of Demon Slayer

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