66 || Rumors

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Students chattering echoed through the classroom, heard even from the outside

Gopal, a known student to bring up ridiculous rumors was one of those who chattered in the classroom, spreading stories about the village once again

Telling the stories about the friend he made in the summer who gained superpowers, as well as him and others with a proud boasting smile on his face

The noise simmered down as the teacher entered the class. Placing worksheets and books on her table as she stood up front

"Good morning everyone," The teacher greeted with a smile. "Today we will be having a new student"

Whispers grew in the class as the students spoke their thought on the topic quietly. One student raised their hand, a question afloat

"Yes, Yaya?" The teacher asked

Yaya stood, her iconic pen swaying in her hand as her face morphed to one of curiosity. "Isn't it a bit too late to have a new student, teacher? We only have 3 months left" Yaya asked

"Great question, Yaya." The teacher praised. "He was supposed to join us at the start but for some family reasons, he had to postpone his transfer"

Yaya nodded in understanding and sat down. The mumurs of the students didn't die down as their curiousity grew for the new student

"No more questions?" The teacher asked. Silence replied to her as she nodded. "Alright then, You can come in now" She spoke, turning to the door

Everyones turned to the door, awaiting for the arrivival of the new classmate. The door creaked open as a boy clad in uniform stepped through

The white strip of hair within the forest of dark brown locks shimmered in uniqueness as the wind swayed his hair. His honey brown eyes giving a warm aura despite looking empty

3 students within the room shook their heads in disbelief. The boy upfront was the one who altered their lives for better or worse

He looked exactly the same but different. The absence of a certain hat and a watch made them wary of his presence

"My name is Boboiboy, I hope we get along..." He introduced himself. Others noticing a certain lacking of joy in his voice

His eyes gazed to the vacant seat beside Gopal. His steps weighed heavily in the atmosphere before it finally lifted as he sat down

He propped his hands on the tabled as he laid his head on the table, his eyes gazing into nothingness outside

Yaya, Gopal, and Ying shared glances, their thoughts aligning as they all became worried and curious for their friend

11:30 am

The lunch bell rung as their teacher left the classroom, leaving them to have lunch

The classroom erupted in chatter as other students left to buy lunch and only 5 were left inside

Gopal, Yaya, and Ying, who were one of the few left in the classroom, surrounded the new student— their friend

"Long time no see!" Gopal  greeted with a joyful voice that suited his personality well

"We thought you'd come back in the summer. We didn't thought you'd transfer here" Ying chimed in

Silence returned to them as the boy didn't even spare them a glance or some sort

Yaya let out an exasperated sigh as she realized their initial method won't work

She took a seat and sat opposite of the boy. Her eyes reflecting seriousness and honesty

"Boboiboy, did something happen...?" Yaya asked, her voice soothing but echoed concern

Boboiboy glanced at her, his eyes dark and devoid of any hint of joy. Instead, heartbreak glistened in them like stars for him to wish it would go away

"...rumors" He grumbled as he buried his head on his arms, refusing to meet anyone's gazes

"Rumors?" Gopal questioned, his mind gearing into every rumor he heard. "Is someone spreading rumors about you back in the city or something?"

He didn't reply. The 3 switched glances, not knowing what he meant.

"Did you hear about the rumor?" A voice chimed in

The three turned their heads to the only student left in the classroom except them

The boy clad in uniform, a jacket wrapped around his waist and his eyes hidden behind an odd pair of glasses

His dark blue hair radiating with mysteriousness along with his whole identity

It was the first time he spoke volunteerly making the 3 curious to why. And wanting to know how he knows what boboiboy's problem was

"About the father who broke his son's spirit in two, and said 'It's too dangerous out there, so I have to save you'?" He continued, giving a knowing look at the transferee

Judging by the tone of the boy used, Yaya concluded it wasn't just a rumor. She turned to boboiboy, eyes filled with worry

Honey eyes stared back at hers, confirming the thought that occupied her mind


"AYAH!! PLEASE!" Boboiboy shouted desperately

"This watch isn't for you to use." The boy's father replied coldly, his statement staying firm

"A-ayah, please!! Ochobot gave that power to me! Please!" Boboiboy shouted, his voice starting to shiver as tears start to

Amato, boboiboy's father, turned around. His footsteps echoing as he exited the room, only stopping as he held the door knob

"You're not fitted to be a hero or to weild this power in this dangerous world." Amato words echoed in his ears

Boboiboy felt his anger rise and a hole in his heart formed. He felt incomplete without his powers. It made him whole. They made him feel whole

But as he stared at his father's dark oak hue of eyes, his anger dissipated. Only left was sorrow. The shimmering gleam of worry and guilt reflecting in those dark orbs, boboiboy realized the regret in his own

But never was he ready to hear the following words come out from his father

"So I'm saving you from it's dangers..."


I can explain my absence! Somehow...

Busy with school and exams, quizzes and a hip hop dance we gotta perform🥲

Anyways, I have tons of story ideas just need motivation to write it...

I'll try my best to write them though!

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