19 || "I'm tired... "

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"I- I did it..." supra mumbled as he reverted back to boboiboy

Exhaustion taking over his body, he was tired. He wanted to sleep. He smiled at the thought of him finally getting his elements back

His eyes were heavy. Darkness slowly invading his vision. He wanted to rest. No, not yet. He still have to check if his friends were okay

He tried to regain his balance, instead he felt like he was falling. He fell off the dam, didn't he?

He thought of transforming into taufan, but his body refused. And before he knew it, his eyelids closed due to his exhaustion

"HAHAHAHAHA! Foolish boy"

He heard as he felt someone grab his clothes midair. His eyes shot open, the voice he heard was owned by him!

"RETAK'KA!" Boboiboy shouted

He thought he killed him. He thought he won. Apparently he didn't

His colar was held by the alien, midair. He tried to use his powers to get out of the aliens grasp, but he was too tired to do so. He heard his friends shout of worry

"You think you could beat me?! I am Retak'ka!!"

Boboiboy continued to weakly struggle at the villains grasp


Pain. Excruciating pain. That's the only thing he felt that time. He couldn't hear anything, but he knew he screamed. And he knew how he laughed at his misery



"--ke up!"


His eyes opened. He immediately regrets the action as the ceiling lights blinded him. Wait, ceiling lights? Is he indoors?

'Argh! Shit, my head hurts'

He held his head as he tried to sit up (keyword: tried). His actions didn't go unnoticed when fang informed the others about his awakening

"Guys! He's awake!" he heard fang say

Then he heard footsteps coming his way, it must be his friends

"Here, let me help you" A familiar gentle voice said

Must be yaya...

He tried to sit up once again but this time, with the help of yaya. He was now in a sitting position while facing his friend's worried faces

"W-what happened?" boboiboy asked

All he remembered was the excruciating pain he experienced

His friends turned to each other, as if telling the other to explain. After a while of staring, yaya, ying, and gopal ended up convincing Fang to tell

Fang sighed, "Boboiboy...

Retak'ka stole all your elements"

Fang could feel guilt churning in his stomach as he saw his rival's/best friend's eyes staring at him, as if begging him to say it's a joke. Oh, how he regretted agreeing to be the one to say

"We managed to save you before he could..." ying said, not being able to continue but everyone understood what she meant

"We wanted to atleast get one of your elements back, but he was too strong" gopal added

It worried them even more when boboiboy only stayed quiet. His head was hung low, but they knew that he was heartbroken

They knew how their leader thinks, being too selfless and reckless caused them to understand his way of thinking

Fang and yaya exchanged looks, both knowing what boboiboy could be thinking about

Yaya sighed, "Boboiboy, I know your planning to get your elements back. But you nee-"

"I'm not." boboiboy interupted, his head still hung low

"need a plan. Wait, what-?" yaya questioned. Did she hear it right

She turned to the others. They also looked surprised, i guess she heard right

"Come again" she still need to make sure. Maybe they just heard wrong. Boboiboy wouldn't say that. Never

"I'm not planning on saving them. And I'm not planning to stop retak'ka." He said, clearly serious about the decision

Fang, yaya, ying, and gopal exchanged looks. No way their leader just said that

"Why though? I thought you think of them as brothers!" gopal exclaimed, clearly confused on boboiboy's change of behavior

Boboiboy looked them in the eyes. "I'm tired."

They were shocked. They stared at boboiboy's eyes, his eyes reflected that he was done. He's tired of everything

"Yes, I think of them as my brothers. But I can't do this anymore! I just wanted to be a normal kid, but no. Fate wanted me to be a hero! I'm tired of it. I'm tired of the responsibility, and I'm tired of peoples expectations of me!" boboiboy ranted to his friends

He was tired of keeping this feeling to himself. If his friends wanted to stay being heroes, then he'll let them. He just wanted to rest. Be a normal kid at least once. His childhood was already robbed the moment he followed that robot to that damn spaceship

"Boiboiboy... " Fang voiced out, he was clearly surprised by his rant but his voice reflected worry

"I'm just tired..." he said as he burried his face to his knees


I don't know how I thought of this idea and made it in one day, but it all worked out
From now on, I will update whenever I completed a chapter. No more forcing my brain to think of a plot every hour.

That's all guys! See you on next chap!

Ysa, out!

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