50.5 || Attached

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He cares...

He cares for us...

He's not like the others, he actually cares...

We have to make him stay...

He has to stay.

We can't let him go...

We won't let him go.


"Ais. He's going to wash the dishes..." Gempa muttered

"Ais, wash it for him. We can't let his gentle hands be tainted by those filthy dishes..." Taufan queried

Ais nodded as he raises his hand, commanding his element to do the small chore before their beloved owner can get contaminated by it

"Good, good..." Solar sighed, as they successfully avoided tainting the warm gentle hands of their owner

"Don't worry Ori, we just can't let anything ruin your gentle heart" Duri chirped as he saw the confused expression etched on their owner's face


"Gempa, any updates?" Halilintar asked, leaning on the wall

"He locked himself in his room..." Gempa answered, his tone devoid of any emotion

"What's with the tone, gem? I think it's better this way, so he won't be exposed to many things that could taint him" Blaze chimed in

Gempa didn't answer, instead, he locked his gaze towards his owner. He observed every inch of movement

"Duri." Gempa called out

Duri nodded and wasted no time into summoning his vines and grabbed the glass of water, their Ori was reaching for

They smiled as he drank the cold liquid, only to frown once again when he stopped and glanced towards his wrist

"Ori~ do you not like the vines? Did you want me to use grape vines?" Duri questioned

"He's still doesn't understand..." Solar consluded, his visors shining in the light. "We just need to do everything to keep him from harm's way"


"Are you sure about this, boboiboy?" Fang asked

All the elements turned to look through the eyes of their adored owner, wondering what the shadow manipulator meant

They felt boboiboy nod at fang's question, confusion written all over their features

"Sure about what?" Halilintar sneered

They watched as their owner's gaze shifted towards the watch, the watch where they lived

They felt the warmth and comfort as they felt his gentle fingers carress each of their respective emblems. Gentle smiles plastered on their face as they relished the moment

The moment abruptly stopped as they felt the watch shook, an earthquake like shake coursing through the watch

All heads turned to see what their owner was doing. Their faces paled as they witness their beloved owner taking the watch off

Taking them off...

"He's getting rid of us..." Taufan concluded

"No. No no no no!" Gempa panicked

"We can't let him go. He can't possibly leave us alone" Ais mumbled

They all watched in horror as the owner they will cherish forever bowed and turned to the exit

"He can't leave us... We can't let him go..." Halilintar whispered to himself

"We won't let him go." They all stated desperately


It is uncommon for any of the elements to summon themselves out of the watch without the owners will or consent. Despite this very rule, the elements' powerful need and how desperate they were, they overwritten the rule.

They all felt themselves morphed to one being, all of them fighting control as they each want to get their owner back

"Please, Don't leave us!" They all chorused

They watched as their owner stopped his tracks to turn to them. Duri reached out for him, the hand of their morphed body followed his movement

Blaze strongly urged himslef ro run towards him, the body moved according to his wants, whilst gempa needs of warmth touch urged their morphed body to grab the gentle hands of their owner

The eyes of their morphed body continued to glow different arrays of colors as each of them wanted to have a say on their owner's decision. Crystal tears falling from their eyes but they didn't pay attention to it

"Ori! Please don't leave us!!" They all managed to say

"I- I cant!" Their owner stammered. "I don't want to use you. I don't want to abuse your power!"

"Please, Ori! You can't leave us,  you're the only one who ever cared for us!" Taufan spoke

"I- I don't want to use your power for my own greed..."Boboiboy said, pushing off the hand of their morphed being

"W-we don't care!" Halilintar's voice spoke. The vulnerability evident in the tone but the elements paid no mind to the unusuality

They watch as their owner's gentle hazel eyes widen from horror as they pleaded

They didn't give up. Despite their owner being clearly bothered, they didn't want to let go. They can't let go

"I-if you want to use us! W-we can be your puppet!"

Solar spoked, the other elements were caught off guard. They stopped fighting for control, seeing how desperate the light elemental was...

Boboiboy one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now