77 || Flower

163 21 3

Whenever the night was cold and a storm was going. Being born with light, it was natural for him to fear being in the darkness

So Cahaya always found his way to Daun's room, even when they were young. It comforted Cahaya how gentle Daun was, especially how Daun knew how to calm him him down in a storm.

Daun would let Solar use the watering can to shower him for fun and then let Solar use his powers to light up the room. Duri often calls it 'Gardening a Flower'. Solar was fond of that game, since he saw Duri not just as his big brother but as a gentle Flower

And whenever a storm started, instead of being scared like he often was, he would be excited to be able to water Daun again

Even if Cahaya had grown up and gained the name 'Solar', he still continues to do their tradition when a storm comes


Solar dreaded the storm. Not only did it made him act like 'Cahaya' again, he'd have to do their tradition with Duri, or he would like to call him more, Daun.

When the clouds turned dark and rain started to drop, he knew he'd have to go. He still waited for a while, hoping that it was just a small rain.

But when a loud thunder boomed and lightning lit up the sky for a brief moment, he knew he couldn't escape it.

He stood up from the window and turned to the door, turning off the lights as he went out his bedroom still in his pajamas

His footsteps were heavy in the quiet hallway, the others are probably asleep by now. He made sure to make his steps extra careful when passing by Gempa's and Halilintar's room since they tend to scold him whenever he goes to Daun's room

When he finally made it, he took a heavy breath and smiled softly. He opened the door and picked up the watering can beside the window and showered Duri, a hearty laugh along with it

"It's been 10 years since we've been doing this, huh?" Solar, or Cahaya spoke as he put down the can and summoned multiple light balls into the room, illuminating everything

Cahaya almost dropped his smile as he saw the pictures in the wall clearer, the neatly folded bed, the flowers on the desk, and the plants on the floor

He took another deep breath. "Gempa became even stricter simce last time and Hali's been training more. Taufan's been  going into more missions lately, and the twins been taking care of the house while I tend to your garden"

Cahaya sat on the chair, putting his hands on the window sill and resting his head on them. Tears seemingly making his eyes glisten

"Everything really changed since then..." Cahaya mumbled, his tone a bit broken. "And here I am still doing this stupid game you made"

Ever since then, Cahaya hated going to Daun's room. He hated touching the watering can. And he hated that he had to this stupid game with only a picture and not his real brother. Not his real flower.

Whenever the storm came, it always felt like a duty for him to water Daun. Even if it felt like he was watering a dead flower.


Just a little prompt I got.

And also to the reader who requested the Sai and sheilda fic, thanks for the idea! I'll make it if I have the motivation to write and if I have an idea for the plot

P. S.

Prompt was inspired by my brother. (He wanted a mention even if he doesn't have an acc)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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