6 || Is this the....... Future?

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"W-where am I?"

"You're finnaly awake.... "


"ugh, why did commander give us a vacation! " A boy clad in orange said.

"Haiya, you should be happy he gave us a week vacation." A girl with pigtails replied.

"Yeah I am happy he gave us a vacation, but why couldn't it be on earth?! Don't you wanna spend your vacation with family, ying? "

"I do, but commander said we should stay here incase if theres an emergency. And you know that boboiboy" Ying contradicted.


Boboiboy was about to say something but the alarm blared.


Boboiboy and ying stood up from their chairs when suddenly fang, yaya, and gopal came bursting through the door.

"Guys! The commander is being held hostage!"

"WHAT!" shouted both boboiboy and ying

"Come on! We gotta help them" shouted boboiboy as he sprinted to the door.


When they arrived at the scene they couldn't see anything. Everything was still intact and it looked like nothing was wrong.

"Something doesn't feel right about this... " boboiboy said


"well well well, isn't it the elemental hero and his friends" said a mysterious cloaked figure

Suddenly fang, yaya, ying, and gopal fell unconscious.

"GUYS! Who are you?! What did you do to them" shouted boboiboy while transforming into halilintar

"Oh, don't worry about that" the figure said

Boboiboy dashed to the figure and tried to strike him with his blade (keyword: tried). But the figure pulled out a dagger and block his attack. Halilintar jumped back to reposition, when suddenly the figure disappeared.

"Wha- AGHHH"

Boboiboy transformed back as he fell to the ground. But before losing consciousness he felt like he was falling through something and everything went black...

//End of flashback//

"You're finnaly awake.... "

Seeing the figure boboiboy tried to turn into gempa but it didn't work. He looked at his wrist and was shocked that his watch was gone.

"Don't worry your 'precious' watch is safe, it's in my drawer" he said pointing at a drawer.

'How did he take off my watch? Ochobot modified the watch that only me and him can take off the watch...' boboiboy thought

"How did you-"

"How did I take it off? Well..." The figure took off his hood and revealed that he was...


"Yep. You done being shocked yet? So I can explain things."

Boboiboy looked at his self a bit baffled that he was talking to himself.

"Explain." boboiboy said

"Alright. First of all, I'm you from the future and right now you're in my timline" explained F. Boi

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