55 || The past

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The sun shined brightly, it's warm rays bouncing off of every surface of the clean white room, but not one soul appreciated it's beauty as the boy who occupies the room grew tired of it's view but still smiled warmly at it

His steps echoed as his feet hit the cold tiled floor. His feet brought him towards the window as his hands motioned to close the window shut. He closed the blinds, only letting the ceiling light illuminate his sight

He settled back on the white bed, the warmness in his eyes never leaving. He grabbed his phone from the bedside table and opened the app that monitors the status of each patient in the building. He searched for his name and tapped on it once found it

Patient: Reverse Bin Amato
Age: 14
Status: Alive

He groaned as he read his name. It was always the first to show up. It wasn't like he hated his name, he hated why he was named that. He was often compared by his brother, his name reminded him of that. The reason for his name was just because his appearance was the total opposite of his brother

He turned off his phone as more irritating memories came rushing to his mind. The comparing between him and his brother was always on how he was the better twin. Normal hair, normal eyes, just normal.

He grew tired of those comments. He was normal too, he didn't decide to look like this. His silver white hair was because of his albinism it was normal. And he still had a streak of hair with brown to it

His blood red eyes, was normal. Everyone had them. They just had pigment in their eyes to have blue, brown, or greenish look to them. He was just stuck in the hospital because of his weak immune system and fragile body

He was normal. So why don't people treat him like one?

He dropped his head to the pillow and groaned. It's been 3 years since he last saw his brother or his father. But he waits for them nonetheless, after all, they're the only ones who thinks of him as normal. As human

His brother moved to Palau Rintis to stay with their grandfather so he expected to see him in a while. His father also had to travel somewhere, he doesn't know where but his father said it was far that he couldn't visit him for maybe a year, but 3 years?


No, he shouldn't accuse them of abandoning him. They just hadn't had the time to visit because of school and work, and how far this hospital was, yeah...


Night dawned upon the night sky as he watched from the window, it was now a routine of his. Whenever the clock strikes 7 pm, he would open the blinds to have some bit of calmness from the beautiful ombre effect the sky would have at that time

The sunset was something he loathed despite having known to the hospital staff as a boy who doesn't have a heart to hate anything. The sunset would always be unique, everyday the colors would be different, may it be the colors or the weather. He envies it.

A somber frown formed on his lips. Why can't he be like a sunset? No matter how different it was as yesterday, it will always be beautiful no matter what. People treat it's uniqueness as something to be adored, to be loved. Why can't he be treated like that?

Three knocks on the door broke him from his train of thoughts. "It's open..." His raspy voice spoke. He isn't someone who would often talk since there was no one to talk to so his voice would often be raspy or hoarse

The door slowly opened as Reverse's assigned nurse entered. Reverse raised a brow as the nurse's usual cheerful smile was absent. The usual cheery aura she carries was replaced by a feeling he was too familiar with. Pity.

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