53 || Innocence

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He was more than just a hero...

He has dedication everyone was envious of...

Although, some may think it was quite suspicious by how dedicated he was to find this villain

A villain suspected of being responsivle of multiple genocide, arson, mass murder, and more

He spent week worth of sleepless nights to just continue his investigation. The very same investigation TAPOPS detectives deemed impossible

Many doubted the boy, whilst few supported him...

His friends as well held their own hidden investigation, what was the motivation behind their friends driven determination?

They never got the answer...

They tried subtly prying him with questions for weeks non stop, they spied on him while he was investigating alone, they even confronted him

"I just got intrigued by this unsolved case"

They didn't buy it, but they couldn't get any other answer. Their own secret investigation was closed. Their minds still bothered by their friend's determination

Fang, Yaya, Ying, and Gopal slowly accepted that they'll never find the truth of their friend's true motif...


Or will they?


Boboinoy stood in front of a hooded figure, he couldn't make out his facial features from the shadows of the hood. Although, silver strands of hair glistened in the moonlight of where the suspect stood

"You have no proof to suspect me." The hooded boy sneered. His voice calm, calm enough to convince others that he is innocent

With a sly smirk, boboiboy begin listing out all the evidences in the case that leads towards the mysterious boy

"I think that would be enough proof, don't you think?" Boboiboy ended with a rather playful remark

Fang and the others, who were only tasked on the sidelines only to engage when the confrontation goes wrong, were quite confused by how their leader worded his last remark

A frown clearly formed on the hooded suspect. "Don't you think you have some kind of mistake in that list of proof you have?" The suspect questioned

"I made no mistake." Boboiboy boldly stated. "Just surrender yourself,


A gust of wind blew, boboiboy's brown locks swayed in the wind, as the suspects hood fell. Silver locks of hair swayed in the wind as the suspect possesses the exact facial features as the hero that stood in front of him

The ones tasked in the sidelines held their guard up. The sudden reveal of possible blood relations between the suspect and the hero ran shivers up their spine

"And what makes you think I'll do that, boboiboy?" Reverse queried, his voice playful, but careful

"Your crimes end here." Boboiboy claimed. His posture firm and confident. "Criminal."

Reverse scoffed in amusement, a chuckle not long after. "And what are you?" Reverse asked, amusement etched in his face. "A hero?"

Boboiboy flinched, but quickly composed himself to return to his confident stance.

The action was subtle, but sharp eyes caught it. And Fang caught it. Fang perked a brow, his gaze unconsciously shifted towards his brother

Fang knew he wasn't the only one who caught it, his brother's narrowed eyes meant the suspicion he had towards the elemental boy

"Don't make laugh." Reverse's fearures turned serious, as a strict frown laid on his lips. "You're standing there like heroic being, counting all our crimes just to frame me" Reverse spoke, his very being circling the hero

"You're a villain, your words can't be trusted." Boboiboy stated, his voice cracking a bit as his posture slowly crumbled

"My dear, you're not so innocent, you're fooling TAPOPS trust." Reverse smirked, hus gaze turning to all sides where the sidelined heroes were, causing them to flinch in fear

Reverse's smirk grew as he threw multiple pictures in the air, all filled with images of their so-called-hero commiting crimes with the suspect

Boboiboy's footing crumbled, as he tripped on thin air, a thud was heard as the hero in question fell on the ground

"You're no hero." Reverse finishes, his smitk never faltered. Reverse turned to the other agents who were hidden in the sidelines. "You all are idiots. Falling for his facade, you didn't even realized the double life he was living in the shadows."

With one final glance towards the fake hero, his voice spoke as low as a whisper. "Good luck, brother"

Everyone's vision darkened for a bit and when they all could see again, the silver haired fugitive was nowhere to be found

Every agent's gaze shifted towards the traitor, their minds choosing to forget the suspect and set their minds to bring justice to who had wronged them

To who boboiboy had wronged...


Eyy two chapters in one dayy. Ngl tho, both are kinda rushed since I did them before doing school work which were due an hour before but meh

Thx for the support you guys. And I may be inactive for the holiday season with many things I have to get done. See ya next chap!

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