64 || Proud

211 18 5

Duri never felt proud. Out of all his owner, this was the first time he witnesses the growth of a being


But why does it hurt?


Duri never really represented a trait before, let alone innocence. Unlike boboiboy, the other owners he served were fully grown adults

And with adulthood, innocence not a thing anymore. But seeing a child, filled with innocence and with him to represent it was a marvelous event for him

But it was slowly slipping from his grasp...

As boboiboy slowly grew, he felt wrong. And the more his owner experienced new things, the more he felt uneasy

And the moment he realized the more knowledge boboiboy gains, the more mature he becomes; the less his innocence will be

Duri began to distance himself, he realized he was the only element who carried a trait that their owner will outgrow

With his odd behavior, everyone showed their concern and worries to him, trying their best to find out what was wrong to their innocent plant

But the only response they get was a smile full of lies...

His room stayed silent as the doors stayed closed, multiple chairs blocking the entrance to avoid any intrusion

Duri stared at his hands, vines slowly creeping up on it. It's thorns painfully piercing his skin but he came to get used to the pain

A sigh escaped his lips as he covered hos hand with his gloves once again. He searched the room for anything that can distract him

But nothing interested him. His mind decided to entertain him, but not the way he wanted. His mind reminisced the memories when his owner was just a sweet innocent child

Despite only being awaken against Borara, Duri laid dormant in boboiboy's brain, waiting for his moment to rise, to be free

Bit all that was in vain if he has to suffer this slow pain as this once child grew into a teenager. He wonders if he'll even be there when he's an adult

Despite this, Duri found himself exited for this owner to grow. He hoped that he'll be there when he's growing, even if has to suffer for it

After all, even if he's considered the 2nd youngest element, even if he's not as mature as he was in the past, even if he doesn't have the rights to call himself this

He felt proud as much a father to a child would be when he sees his child grow...

He felt like a parent watchimg his kid grow into something great...

He feels pathetic feeling this for a human...


I don't what I wrote. This was an unfinished chapter but I wanted to salvage it and finish it with whatever comes to mind...

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