23 || Thorns of Betrayal

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Betrayal. Something everyone experiences. Human, alien, or android, no one is excluded in this experience.

Betrayal, like a rose on the outside it's beutiful, gorgeous even. But when you take a closer look, it's full of thorns. Enough to hurt everyone. Enough to hurt you.

Betrayal, something that can quickly snap a being's trust.

And sometimes, the person who you least expect to betray your trust. Will betray you. And no matter what you do to prepare for it, it will always hurt. Physically or Mentally

Betrayal, one of the reasons why the famous phrase "Trust nobody" was made. Because, it will always break your trust.


"You wouldn't betray me, right?" A brunette boy asked as he stared into the starry abyss of space

His friend turned to him, confusion written on his face. He was surely not expecting this question when the brunette asked him to see the stars

"Why would I?" He questioned

The boy stayed silent as he watched a shooting star pass by his vision. He was too wondering why his friend would betray him

"Forget I asked. I was just being paranoid" the brunette said before he stood up and walked towards the door. Leaving his friend even more confused

The friend stared at the brunette's figure, as the latter walked towards the darkened hallway

"I would never betray you, boboiboy" The boy whispered


"Hey Boboiboy!! We're here!! " gopal shouted trying to get the elemental Hero's attention

Boboiboy noticed and walked through the crowded cafeteria to his friends' table

"Hey guys. Sorry I took so long, the admiral gave me a solo mission again" boboiboy said as he arrived at the table

"Why are you even getting solo missions? Even though you're not a cadet anymore, Private Orange. But still." Fang teased as the boy sat down

Boboiboy scowled at the nickname. "I'm wondering that too, Captain-in-training hedgehog" boboiboy sneered back

Fang let out an offended gasp. "How dare you talk back to your future captain" Fang said

Boboiboy rolled his eyes at the alien and turned to his best friend, gopal. "What's the lunch lady serving today?" boboiboy asked, excited to finally eat after a 'mission'

"Alien slop" gopal said with distaste

Boboiboy almost puked. Last time he ate that awful slop, he had to stay in the infirmary for a month. Easy to say he's not going to eat that ever again

"What do you want for lunch?" gopal asked. "I could transform some things to food for you" he suggested

"That would be great!" boboiboy said, voice full of relief. "You can pick the food. Just not any type of alien slop" he continued

Gopal nodded. He grabbed a plate of bolts and screwdrivers and placed it down on the table. He then transformed it into Fried rice and fried chicken

"Here you go my dear friend!" gopal exclaimed as he handed the food to boboiboy

"Thank you my dear friend" boboiboy replied in a playful manner before eating the food gopal gave him


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