12 || Meet again

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It was just a normal day at kota hilir. The sun was shining, children conversing with their peers as school was done for the day

But, in an alleyway near the school, you could hear a faint sound of a boy crying?

He looks like he was just 8 years old. With fluffy brunette hair. He had scratches here and there, a black eye, and a gash on his right knee. It looked like he was bullied...

Poor boy...

He was hugging his knees while burying his face to them, sobbing.

"Hey, are you okay?" A voice suddenly spoke

The boy's head shot up, surprised. He thought he was alone. A boy older than him with white hair was kneeling in front of him, his blood red eyes staring at him, but it reflected worry

"Hey, hey calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you" the boy with red eyes said, voice surprisingly soft

The boy did calm down a little, as the older's voice was soothing

"Are you okay?" The older asked

"..." the boy paused

"I'm fine..." the boy finally replied

"What's your name?" the older questioned


"That's one nice name you have there. My name's reverse. Come here, let me patch you up" reverse said softly

Aaron seemed to trust reverse. He went near reverse and allowed him to treat his wounds. While being treated reverse asked a question

"Did someone do this to you?" reverse asked, voice full of concern

"oh I uhhhh.... No one did this to me. I just fell down the stairs" Aaron replied. Reverse obviously knew that it was a lie but decided not to push further

"All done!" reverse said

"Thank you..." aaron nervously said

Suddenly aaron's phone rang. He grabbed the phone from his pocket and answered it. His father was calling

Reverse only waited patiently for the call to end

"Uh, sure. Bye dad" aaron said to the phone before hanging up

"Uhmm, I need to go now. Thank you for your help..." Aaron said as he bowed

Reverse giggled "You don't need to thank me. You should go now"

Aaron smiled before running to the exit of the alleyway, but before he actually left he turned back to reverse

"Oh, uhm can we meet here again tommorow?..." Aaron asked hesitantly

"Sure" reverse replied with a warm smile. It made the boy jump with joy

"Yay! See you tommorow then!" Aaron said before leaving

Ever since that day, reverse and Aaron started to meet each other at that alleyway everyday after school. They trusted each other, talked about their problems with each other, and have fun with each other

One day reverse suddenly stopped coming to the alleyway, Aaron was heartbroken, but he moved on after he moved to palau rintis. Tho he missed reverse everyday. He missed his only friend. His older brother

"LET GOPAL GO!!" Fang shouted at the enemy

It seems like a cloaked villain attaked tapops, but this villain isn't an ordinary one. He beated the fierce admiral and captain kaizo. The only people left behind to defend the station was the kokotiam boys

They were in a tight situation, with gopal being held hostage, yaya and ying were unconcious due to losing too much energy. Fang and boboiboy was thinking of a way to free gopal from the villains grasp, but boboiboy seemed out of it, the only thing the leader was focusing on, is how familiar the villain is to him

"Boboiboy! Snap out of it!" fang scolded him

"I- uhh, sorry!"

"Hahahaha, I wonder how someone like you have the elemental power!" the villain exclaimed amused

"You should just give up!" The villain said as he took out a dagger and pointed it at gopal's neck


Seeing the dagger in his freind's neck, boboiboy immediately disappeared in a red blur. Suddenly someone kicked the villain from behind, it was halilintar

Gopal landed on the ground but he fainted.

The villain landed on his feet perfectly, he then charged at the elemental hero

Both halilintar and the villain clashed, with hali using his thunder sword and the villain using daggers

Fang tried to help halilintar by trying to use his shadow bind on the villain, but the villain dodged it and threw a dagger at fang's direction. The dagger pinned fang's clothes to the wall

"FANG!" halilintar shouted

And while he was distracted, the villain kicked him hard. Halilintar flew to the nearby wall due to the force of the kick, and he reverted back. His head hurt like someone unleashed hellfire inside his brain

Boboiboy's hat fell off of his head, revealing a hidden white streak of hair that even his friends didn't know of

Meanwhile, The villain was stunned when he saw that white strip of hair. It made him remember someone...

"Aar..." the villain whispered

"Hey rev, can you dye my hair white like yours?" Aaron asked

"Aar, you're too young too dye your hair" reverse replied

"Ahw, but I wanted to be like you!" Aaron pouted

Reverse giggled at his friend's antics "How about I dye a strip of your hair white, and you dye a strip of my hair brown. So we have both have the same hair color, just different portions" reverse suggested

"Yay!" Aaron cheered

/End of flashback/

The villain couldn't focus. His mind was focusing on the white streak he saw on the elemental hero's head

Meanwhile boboiboy already put his hat back on as he stood up. He readied himself to attack and transformed into gempa

"EARTH PILLAR!!" Gempa shouted

Hearing this, the villain moved out of the way just in time, before an earh pillar grew out of where he was standing. If he hadn't moved out of the way, he would have been launched into space


The villain decided to escape. Boboiboy attempted to catch him, but the villain already disappeared

After making sure that the villain was really gone, boboiboy brought everyone to the infirmary. But the familiarity of the villain he just fought was still in his mind

'He really reminds me of reverse...' he thought

Without anyone knowing, the villain was in the shadows hidden, watching boboiboy bring his comrades inside

'It really is him...' the villain thought, before dissapearing again

He reappeared at a place that looked like a villain's hideout. He took off his robe, and went to a locked door. He unlocked it with a key he took from his pockets

Upon opening the door, you could see dozen of pictures showing him and aaron. He then proceeded to walk to a table and pick up a picture of him with a newly dyed brown streak hair while dyeing a strip of aaron's hair white

Oh, how he missed Aaron. He missed boboiboy.

Reverse missed boboiboy...

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