44 || Curse

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Boboiboy hated halloween. Despite it being his friends' favorite holiday, he despised it

It not because he's scared of the costumes nor the trick or treating, it was more because of his curse


Boboiboy sat on his desk, reading a book. His window closed shut as well as his door. His grandfather knows about his unnatural situation, and took charge of handing out the candies

The lights in his room was on and bright, despite his family tradition of turning all of the lights off on this very night

He was just an exception...

Boboiboy stood from his chair as he hears his friends' voices. He looked down at the window, seeing his friends asking tok aba about his whereabouts

He didn't tell them. They don't need to know.

His attention averted to the figure floating behind his friends. His eyes narrowed at the lifeless spirit

The spirit turned to him unexpectedly. Sending a shiver through his spine from the lifeless gaze

He turned to look at the streets filled with little kids dressed up as witches, zombies, ghost and more. But what he was paying attention to was the countless spirits roaming in the streets

He took a step back as he sees a familiar looking spirit, heading it's way to the house. Boboiboy averted his gaze from the window, unwanted memories playing in his mind

"Ayah! Ayah! Amma came back!" A little 5 year old boy exclaimed pointing at the door with no one in sight

His father frowned. He lifted up the little boy, ruffling his fluffy brown hair

"Boi, your amma is gone..." Amato whispered, his tone low and gentle as his heart ached

The boy tilted his head, pointing once again at the door. "But Amma's there" Boi replied

Amato put down his son. "C'mon, let me take you to bed" The father said

Boboiboy nodded. He turned to the door again seeing the familiar figure of his mother in the doorway

The spirit looked to him, her eyes black and lifeless, scaring the little boy

He ran as tears brimmed his eyes as he hugged his father's leg. "That's not Amma, she's scary" Boi mumbled as his hug tightened

Amato lifted up his son once more as he embraced the little boy. "Shh, no one's there" Amato whispered

Boboiboy sat at the desk once more. Trying to ignore the lingering image of his deceased mother as he prayed that this Halloween night would come to an end faster


Kind of a rush. I just wrote this when I woke up the day after halloween soo...

Late Halloween speacial, I guess

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