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"Where did you put it??" Ying exclaimed as she shuffled through the box of weapons they need for a mission

Fang thought for a moment before remembering where he left it, "I think I left it in my room"

"You better find it! We need it to beat that thing!" Ying scolded

"Can you ask boboiboy to find it? Or would you rather have us lose course of the ship" Fang retorted, of course he can just set it on autopilot but why would he?

Ying heaved a sigh. "Boboiboy! Can you look for the detainizer in fang's room?" Ying asked as she turned to boboiboy

"Sure" Boboiboy agreed and went his way to fang's room


Boboiboy stopped by a purple steel door. The color was quite emo according to the elemental weilder

He opened the door and started rummaging through the drawers, regretting that he forgot to ask fang where in his room did he put it

After a while of searching, he found the weapon on the bedside table. "Found it" He said to himself

As he was about to leave, he noticed a framed picture on the table. He held the photo as he looked closely at it. He couldn't really see the whole picture with all of the dust covering it

He put down the weapon and used his vacant hand to wipe away the dust. He snickered as he saw a child version of Fang and a teenage Kaizo. His eyes flickered to the man who was holding child fang

His facial features darkened as he recognizes the man. Red lightning sparked on his hand for a brief moment

"Boboiboy! Did you find it?!" Yaya shouted from the control room

"Oh, uh. Yeah!" Boboiboy shouted back as he put the picture down and ran to the door before turning back to get the weapon he almost forgot to bring


"What took you so long?" Gopal asked as boboiboy arrived at the control room

"Nothing" Boboiboy replied

Boboiboy walked towards ying who was arranging the needed equipment. "Here" Boboiboy handed the weapon, which ying accepted


Some hours passed and the girls and gopal went ahead to rest in their sleeping quarters in the ship, whilst Fang was left to guard the ship and boboibiy who insisted he accompanies fang

"You'll never know when we'll get ambushed by space pirates and fang gets knocked out" Was his reason to be left behind with fang

The girls and gopal shrugged off his behaviour, while fang grew suspicious of his friend

Minutes into them being left alone, fang could feel someone's gaze on him at all times. So, he finally confronts the elemental user. He set the ship to auto pilot and turned to boboiboy

"What exactly do you need from me?" He asked, his gaze observing every movement

Boboiboy didn't react. "Where did you say you were raised?" Boboiboy asked

"One of TAPOP's branch, why?" Fang replied, curious to what it has to do with his friend

"Which branch? Just curious" Boboiboy said as he repositioned himself on his seat

"Laskar..." Fang replied

"By any chance did Admiral Amato raise you?" Boboiboy asked, an eyebrow raised

Fang flinched at the question. Only the higher ups knew about Amato raising him, but decided to play along

"Yes, he did..." He replied. "How did you know?..."

Boboiboy one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now