62 || Rescued

247 24 6

Boboiboy hissed in pain as the sharp needle pierced his skin, an unusual icy blue liquid injected inside him

"Ice element, injected successfully." The strange man dressed in lab attire spoke. His eyes and mouth covered with goggles and a mask.

"Prepare him for the next injection." The supposed scientist said

Boboiboy stayed still as he let himself be dragged by some of the scientist's goons

He haven't bothered himself to struggle himself free, he knows it was futile.

Ever since the vargoba incident, the same time when Kaizo failed to save him, was the time he was kidnapped.

Stripped of his power watch, he watched as these weird aliens start to inject strange fluids inside him, too tired to even lift a finger

With time, his wounds slowly healed. He could finally start forming a plan to get his watch and escape this laboratory

With the coordinated time, he initiated his plan. He sneaked into the room where his watch was

But it's condition failed his plan. The lightning symbol was devoid of color, a shade of dead gray instead of it's vibrant lightning yellow. It won't work.

Then he realized...

A faint memory played in his mind, a memory when the aliens disassembled his watch when he first got here. And the fluids injected in him corresponds with the colors of his elements

That's when he figured out what 'Project Element' really meant.

The alarms blared as he realized he stayed too long in the room and triggered the alarms. Multiple alien guards rushed inside

He took a fighting stance and with the knowledge he gathered, he thought maybe he can use the elements injected in him

With a deep breath he tried to use the wind element. As he summoned a small tornado, his body stopped. Pain coursed through his body as an electricity shocked his entire body

He coughed out blood from the pain. His mind racing on where the shock came from

"Deactivate the chip. We don't want him to shock his mind too much" One of the aliens spoke

It was a chip. A chip planted inside him. A chip to shock him whenever he misbehaves


"Urgh—" Boboiboy groaned as the alien through him to his chamber

He grumbled curses as he stood and turned to the mirror. It was a habit by now. Checking himself if anything changed from the experiments

"It's spreading..." He mumbled to himself, as he ruffled his hair, noting the spread of silver in his hair. Almost half of his hair has faded to white

"Shit..." Boboiboy cursed as the injection wound stung

He sighed. This was normal to him now. He slowly gotten used to his mind talking to him, used to the defeaning silence in the room, used to loneliness that crept on him

Yet, he can't brush off the feeling of yearning to escape. Wanting to be saved by his comrades, friends, and better yet his dad

Alas, that was only a dream, a hope, a wish. Something as impossible as that would be a miracle if it happened. After all, his location was unknown and he doesn't know whether they know he's even alive

He fluttered his eyes shut, wanting some rest after the agonizing pain he went through earlier.

"Red alert! Red alert! A breach has been triggered in all entances" The speakers suddenly boomed, startling the boy

His eyes flashed with hope. Maybe just maybe, this was the wish he yearned. He could finally be saved

His eyes traveled to the door as multiple dents were forming on it. And as he hoped, his father with a worried face came in

Boboiboy couldn't believe it. His agony could finally end. With a sudden burst of adrenaline he got off his bed and ran to his father

His father kneeling on one knee with open arms, awaiting for him.

As boboiboy ran to his father, before he could feel the warmth misses. He simply pass through

"Huh...?" He questioned, staring at his hands as the metal door that was slammed open faded back to it's unharmed state

He looked around the room, no one was here. He was alone...

"Experiment 007, Illusion test complete. Proceed to the next injection phase"


This was the plot for the short story I made for english.

This was kind of rushed but Enjoy!

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