70 || Foolish Trust

185 23 2

Trust was earned, not demanded

Boboiboy kew that all too well. He was familiar with it especially since he knew how painful it is to break something as fragile as trust

His first betrayal was his father. After all, a child's first disappointment will always be their parent, boboiboy was no exception

Amato, his father which he looked up to. Oh how he adored him, he promised him he'll stay by his side forever, he promised to always help him in times of need, he promised to protect him

All those promise broken in a span of 3 hours. Boboiboy's first betrayal was the most painful. His trust did not break, it shattered. It's pieces never getting fixed all because of a ruse

If boboiboy hadn't been captured that day when he was 6, boboiboy wouldn't learnt the value of trust. If he wasn't held hostage that day he wouldn't have experienced something more excruciatingly painful than just a simple betrayal

"Ayah!" 6 year old boboiboy cried out, his arm harshly tugged by the alien as he was held hostage against his father  but that didn't distressed him one bit. He trusted his father to save him

"A step closer and I'll kill the kid" The alien growled, threatening the armored hero using his son. Seeking revenge for the plan that was foiled by this hero in red armor

"Kill him then. Go ahead"

Amato's words rang in the child's ear, tears pooling in his eyes as he felt something shatter inside him. And that wasn't all, the features his father wore never once showed a hint of concern since the beginning of this exchange. It felt like a stab wound in the child's heart

Of course, it was all a ruse. A joke. An act. To get the alien off guard. Amato saved him, but not his trust.

Boboiboy learned something valuably painful that day, that betrayal is just a game compared to the real truth. Betrayal is just a scratch than the damage a false betrayal could do

After all, betrayal is just simply breaking your trust. Simple as that. But false betrayal? They betray you, break your trust and tell you it was a joke, that it was part of the plan

They expect you to trust them again. They expect you to laugh with them when your heart broke because of them. They think it's that simple?

It's the same as breaking your arm then says sorry, that it was a dare. Does a sorry fix the broken arm? No.

Does a joke fix a broken trust? A broken heart? A broken mind? No.

To boboiboy, it didn't matter whether you're a friend or foe. You break his trust once, that string of trust will never be tied back again. Once you cut it, it stays cut.

But of course, boboiboy was a kind hearted soul. Despite his cruel belief, he wouldn't say it out loud, he wouldn't admit it. If you broke his trust once, joke or not, he'll act okay with you, as of nothing happened

But the trust he once had with you will cease to exist.

Fang was different...

Boboiboy grew fond of him as a friend. He sensed something was similar to them, not appearance wise but somthing in the back of the mind

Boboiboy trusted fang. Fang trusted boboiboy. A mutual trust of friends. One broke it for his brother, the other was hurt. They fought, Fang helped them

It was false betrayal again.

Fang helped boboiboy after betraying him. Expects to be forgiven after boboiboy teamed up with him. Boboiboy did forgave him though, but his trsut for him was not mended, it stayed cut

But bit by bit, boboiboy slowly trusted  fang again. This surprised boboiboy, he never expected to trust someone again after they broke it once

But fang did seemed forced in his betrayal, maybe he could make an exception this once. After all, he and fang had been through a lot

Boboiboy spoke too soon. He never should've trusted fang again. He should've stayed in his own resolve. He wouldn't be hurt right now if he just pretended to trust fang like the others

The image of Fang standing beside Kiran'na flashed in his mind. He shouldn't have trusted him again.

Not now. Don't think about it right now boboiboy. Find a solution to beat Kiran'na first then, then, then—

Fang's voice rang in his ear. His head turning to Kaizo's watch as fang was in the hologram

He was playing traitor huh.

He got falsely betrayed again...






I shouldn't have trusted him again. He's playing spy. Later, after all this is done, that traitor will expect the normal kokotiam gang. The gang who trust each other





Foolish of him to trust someone again.


My emotions might have gotten out of hand at the end there...

But here's a chappy :)

The au explanation for the last chapter is still in process so before I can finish that, I'll probably post other one shots first

There's also a hint for what the next one shot will be (◍•ᴗ•◍)

It's literally 12:27 am here...

I'm going to bed.

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