18 || Gift

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Timeline: A year after fang left earth to go back to space

Fang's POV

April 13, ****

Today is my Gubian birth, or a birthday is what those earthlings call it. Anyways, it's been a year since I left earth to continue my training. Right now I'm currently training at my brother's private training room in his ship

It was a surprise that he let me use this room, since he usually doesn't allow me to enter here. Maybe he's trying to be a good brother... Eh, maybe not

My train of thoughts was abruptly stopped when I heard the entrance door hiss open. I turned to the newcomer, maybe it's just lahap. But to my surprise it was my brother

I quickly saluted to him, I didn't want to seem rude to him, especially since he is still my captain

"Greetings Captain" I said

For some reason I noticed that he felt a bit unpleasant when I called him captain. I was a bit puzzled by his change of emotion, but I decided to ignore it

"It's passed working hours. No need to call me in formal names" he said

What? Did I hear him correctly? He used to scold me if I called him anything other than captain, even after working hours. I was really confused

"Uhm, okay cap- I mean Brother" I quickly corrected myself when I noticed I slipped up

"Hm, I'm just here to tell you that I will be going on an udercover mission alone, hence I will be dropping you off at tapops station tommorow" He sternly said

I nodded at him, signalling that I understood

"Alright, I will be taking my leave now" he said as he headed to the door

I stared at his back, still confused about why he didn't want me to call him captain after working hours anymore. As he was about to exit through the automatic door, he stopped. He turned to me

"But before I leave, have this" he said as he suddenly threw a box to me. I caught it just fine

I stared at the box, a bit curious to what's inside

"Happy Gubian Birth, Pang" I heard him say before leaving

I stared at the automatic door as it closed. Did he actually give me a gubian present?

I quickly opened the box, exited to find out what's inside. This was the first time he gave me a gift ever since admiral maskmana adopted us

It was a visor, not just any visor, it was a high tech one. I quickly wore the visor, curious of what it could do. As I wore them, it immediately scanned the whole room. I was fascinated

I continued to press any buttons I found, wanting to find out what they could do

End of POV

Unknown to fang, kaizo was smiling warmly at the sight of his younger brother opening the gift he gave. Oh how he missed the sight of his brother's smile. His true smile


Just a short one shot of how I think fang got his visor.
I may or may not disappear for a few weeks, depending whether I'm lazy or not.

And did you guys see the teaser pic for isu 26!! I have so many theories about what could happen in the new isu!!

I hope the webtoon version can catch up soon!

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