25 || Again.

418 36 7

Red thunder cackled throughout the station followed by a scream of question

"WHAT?!!" Boboiboy yelled

Tarung grimaced at the burn he received from the boy's outburst of power. "The decision is final, cadet" Tarung stated. 'And don't try to argue' was left unsaid but boboiboy understood

Boboiboy calmed himself down and controlled his powers. "Fine." he didn't bother to do the salute as he went out of the control room

He hated this. It's just history repeating itself. Another robot taking his place. He hated this when he was young and he hates it more now

Boboibot replacing him just because it couldn't get tired of working and him being immediately shunned out when the robot shined. And what makes it worse it wasn't the robot's fault.

It was the people. Selfish people.

Only wanting him back when the robot showed his true intentions. Only wanting him back to fix their mistake of trusting the robot

And now that he's the galaxy's most favored hero, that alien shows up. Claiming he copied the elemental powers and made it stronger and put it inside a tin can. Tch

He looked up from his rant and realized he had already arrived at his shared room. He slammed the door open in frustration not caring if gopal fell of the bed from surprise

"Dey! What's wrong with you!?" Gopal complained upset about his sudden entrance

But quickly noticed his friend's distressed face. "Uh, you okay dude?" Gopal asked

"Do I look okay!?" Boboiboy exclaimed in frustration but quickly took deep breaths to calm himself down. "I'm leaving."

Gopal's eyes widened by surprise. "What?! Why?!" Gopal asked, not really understanding the situation

"Another fucking robot is replacing me again." Boboiboy couldn't help but curse at his situation

While gopal was watching a movie of memories inside his head. All those memories of boboibot made him shiver

"Wait, who's this robot now?" Gopal asked

"An alien claimed to have copied my powers and made it stronger, then shoved it into a piece of junk that's stacked together" Boboiboy replied while shoving his clothes in his brief case

"Do the others know?" gopal asked

"Nope. And I don't intend to tell them. You only know because we share the same room" Boboiboy sneered

"Huh? Why??"

"'cause maybe, like in the past, you'll side with the robot. Remeber boboibot?"

Guilt and regret flooded gopal's veins. "Wait, we didn't mean to—"

"I know. But still" Boboiboy said

"But you can't leave! We need you!" gopal pleaded

Boboiboy pitied his friends but he didn't have a choice, and even if he did, he would still leave

He would rather live with the robots he grew up with and robots who has no intention to replace him, than staying in a station with that piece of junk

Boboiboy turned to gopal, a warm smile painted in his face "Tell admiral I already left" Boboiboy said. "And don't worry, you'll all do great. Tell the others I said bye" Boboiboy left leaving light particles from where he stood


Just a drabble.

And I'm gonna be on a week hiatus since exams are just around the corner. So see you all until then

Ixfonia.... OUT!

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