26 || Forgetting

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"Why can't you take care of yourself??" ochobot scolded. "Do you know how worried I was when the others told me you lost your memories again!"

"Hehe, sorry ochobot..." The boboiboy awkwardly replied while scratching his non--itchy neck

"You reckless boy..." Ochobot sighed

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in!" Ochobot exclaimed

Immediately, Boboiboy's friends came running in and surrounded the boy. Asking questions non-stop. It took a while for ochobot to calm the worried friend's of his master before going to the power sphera room to charge

"Sorry for worrying you guys..." Boboiboy apologized

Fang sighed, "You're lucky I managed to stop blaze and Ais from almost ripping each other's throats in Baraju"

 "It would've been a disaster if those two unlocked their third tiers" Ying added

"We should really stop you from loosing your memories again" Yaya said

"That reminds me..." Gopal said as he fished out a small notebook from his back pocket, confusing everyone in the room

"What's that, gopal?" Boi asked

"Ah, it's a notebook where I keep track of how many times your elements lost their memories. And currently we have Taufan in 1st place with losing his memories 3 times!" Gopal announced

"3? He lost his memories even before Windara?" Fang questioned

Ying nodded, "The first time was when tanah, petir, and angin lost their memories 'cause they split for too long, and the second time was when taufan first manifested" Ying explained

Yaya grew interested in Gopal's shenanigans, "Who's second?" She asked, also catching everyone's attention

Gopal looked at his notebook for a while before replying, "Halilintar in second with loosing his memories twice; Gempa, Blaze, and Ais tied in third with only once; And Duri and Solar haven't lost their memories yet"

"So overall, The tangerine lost his memories 8 times?" Fang said

"Hey!" Boboiboy complained at the nickname but was ignored

"If we count each elements experience as one, yes. But if go to how many times it happened, It would be..." Ying paused, counting with her fingers, "5 times!"

"Shouldn't he be diagnosed with amnesia or something?" Gopal joked

"Not really since it's his powers that caused this" Yaya replied

Boboiboy rolled his eyes as the topic of his forgetfulness continued, and he was sure Fang was gonna make fun of him. As time passed, his friends left. He got himself ready to go back to sleep when he heard someone enter. He turned to see who it was, only to find his hedgehog haired friend

"Fang? What do you need?" Boboiboy asked as he sat up

"Nothing. Commander asked me to tell you that you have a special guest tomorrow" Fang said


"He didn't say" Fang shrugged

"Thanks, I guess" Boi replied

"I'll be off now" Fang said before waving goodbye and leaving the room

Boboiboy lay back down on the hospital bed, seemingly restless. The thought of who could this 'special guest' be filled his mind but he decided to worry about it tomorrow. He needed his rest.

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