17 || Reality

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"Boboiboy! Let's go already, or we'll be late" ochobot shouted from the living room

"I'm almost done!" boboiboy shouted back

"Now where did I put my hat? I know I put on my bed... " he mumbled to himself

He checked his desk, drawers, and even under the bed but his hat was nowhere to be found

"Ugh, I don't wanna go out without my hat... " boboiboy groaned in front of the mirror while looking at his fluffy hair

He finally decided to go out without his hat, and he was not happy about it. He turned away from the mirror and he paused. He sees his hat. On his bed. He was clearly confused. He slowly went near the hat, being cautious

I mean who wouldn't be cautious, you've looking for it for 30 minutes and it suddenly appears out of nowhere. And he clearly remembers that it wasn't on his bed before

"BOBOIBOY!" ochobot yelled, clearly losing his patience

"Coming!!" boboiboy shouted back

He grabbed the his hat and ran downstairs. He just ignored the sudden appearance of his hat, thinking that maybe he just didn't saw it in the first place


"There you are! The others are already at the beach" ochobot said

"What even took you so long?!" ochobot complained

"Sorry, I was looking for my hat" boboiboy said while sheepishly scratching his non-itchy cheek

Ochobot rolled his eyes at his master's response. He was clearly tired of his master's excuses

It was then that Boboiboy noticed someting about ochobots LED eyes when ochobot rolled his eyes

"Ochobot, have your eyes always been white?" boboiboy questioned. He clearly remembers that ochobot's eyes were blue

"What are you talking about? It's always been white" ochobot replied, confused on his master's question

'What?' boboiboy asked in his mind

"Let's just go. The others are waiting for us" ochobot said

Boboiboy nodded. And so they left to spend their vacation at the beach


"We don't know when ma'am"

'Huh? What's that voice?' boboiboy thought

He couldn't see anything. All he can see is black

Suddenly he could feel someone holding his hand. It was warm. But the warmness he felt on his hand felt rather familiar, he doesn't know why it felt like he missed this warmth

He wanted to see who this person might be, but he couldn't open his eyes. Hell, he doesn't even know if they are open. But he was determined. He forced himself, and after a few seconds he could see a light, but before he could completely open his eyes, he felt like falling


Boboiboy suddenly jolted awake, cold sweat on his forehead. And his breathing was uneven

"Hey, hey calm down" a female voice said

Boboiboy turned to see who was it, it was just ying. Not just her, most of his friends were surrounding his bed. Yaya wasn't present at the room for some reason

Then Fang handed him a glass of water, which he politely accepts. He drank the water and calmed himself

"What are you guys doing here?" he asked

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