51 || Choice

336 28 3

The engines continued to hum as the deafening silence never left the room. Kaizo, who was at the end of the table, stood still. He had his gaze travelling back and forth to the main issue this meeting was called for

Boboiboy sat still, feeling the cold gaze of the captain. Although, the frightening gaze isn't the one bothering him

"W-we can be your puppet!"

He shuddered as the memory played in his head. He didn't know what he felt that time, was it pity? Fear?

He felt a hand land on his shoulder, turning to who's hand it belonged to, Fang. Right, he was there when they said it

Fang's eyes reflected concern for the elemental boy but all boboiboy felt was pity. He hated pity looks. But, he knows it was genuine concern

He smiled warmly at the boy to assure he was fine before turning his attention back to the capatin who maintained as ice cold glare

"Pang, try to wear the watch" Kaizo finally spoke

The sudden order confused the team, especially boboiboy. He felt a rising fire within his veins, he didn't want anyone to wear the watch other than him

Even if he did gave up the watch with the fear of being corrupted, but the thought of someone else using the elemental powers disturbed him

Fang nodded without protest. He stood as the glass case opened, the velvet pillow neat and tidy as the watch sat on top. He then took off his own watch and placed it on the table nearby

With careful hands, Fang took the watch out of the case. He examined it for a bit before motioning it towards his wrist

Boboiboy watched, a part of him intrigued and a part of him felt annoyed. He hoped something would happen

Fang wore the watch, the unfamiliar weight bothering him a bit but he paid no mind

"Boboiboy, what's the simplest move?" Kaizo questioned, his piercing gaze directed to the boy

"Try summoning a lightning sword. Just think of lightning in the shape of a sword" Boboiboy instructed, despite the protest he wanted to give

Fang took a breath as he closed his eyes, he moved his hand to summoned the sword but nothing happened

Fang stood there puzzled, as well as the others. Silence fell as they awaited for something

"Try again" Kaizo instructed

Fang nodded, but before he could close his eyes, scarlet red electricity sparked around the watch

Boboiboy took notice and quickly tried to warn the other. "Fang! Take off the watch!" He quickly warned

As fang heard his warning, it was too late, the lightning danced on fang's skin sending shocks of electricity in his veins

Boboiboy wasted no time and pulled the elemental watch off the alien's wrist. Relieved of having built an immunity against his elements

"Urgh..." Fang groaned, still feeling a sting of electricity through him

Kaizo hummed in thought as he watched as Ying helped fang get back to his chair

"The elements are sentient?" Kaizo thought aloud

Not knowing this fact since he was often in undercover missions, but as he observed the predicament earlier, he noticed the way boboiboy seemed to have expected it

Boboiboy nodded as he placed the watch back on the velvet pillow. His hands careful to not trigger the watch

"What was that?" Gopal asked, still startled from the sudden event

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