30 || Grim

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"Surprised?" Maskmana chuckled. "I'm surprised he didn't deny his identity"

"His fighting patterns was odd, it was subtle but you can tell the precision it had. Precision that only he had" Kaizo replied

"Although, his personality had changed incredibly" Kaizo added

Maskmana nodded in agreement. "Before he resigned, he vowed that he will change his ways" Maskmana said

"Let's hope it stays that way" Maskmana added as he looked through the abyss of space






The gang stared in horror at the steel door. Several thuds and screams echoing from it

Kaizo stood firm. Stopping Fang from going in the enclosed room. The girls were too scared to try and go in. While gopal was paralyzed from the screams of agony

"We need to go in!!" Fang yelled, his voice desperate. "Captain!" He yelled once again as tears ran down his cheeks

Kaizo kept his grip strong. "He's fine" Kaizo choked out

"He doesn't have his powers!!! How is he fine?!" Fang yelled

He wants to help him. No. He needs to help him, not just as a teammate but as a friend. He didn't dare to want to hear his screams again. After that awful night filled with his screams. His cries of help as those aliens took him away. Took boboiboy away.

The elemental watch glowed from his pocket. He froze in horror as it did. He slowly took out the watch. The emblem faded to black, he can tell, even in the dark

'Shit shit shit shit!' He cursed in his thoughts

"If the watch's emblem ever turn black, it means I'm... gone.... And if it turns—" Boboiboy said as both him and fang sat by the window in his room at tok aba's home

Fang chuckled, not letting him finish. "It's not like it's gonna happen" Fang said

Boboiboy smiled back. "Yeah..."

Fang's knees felt weak. It can't be real. No, it's not real, it has to be! He used all his remaining strength to push kaizo away

"Just let me save him!" Fang screamed, his voice ever more desperate

Kaizo felt pity for his brother. "He doesn't need help!" Kaizo exclaimed

"How can you say that?!" Fang yelled before pushing his brother off and ran to the steel door

"Because that's not boboiboy anymore..." Kaizo mumbled, letting his brother go

'If it turns gray, I'm not the person who you know as boboiboy...' Was what boboiboy wanted to say when he and fang was still in Atok's home

Fang opened the door and froze when he saw the scene. A scream of agony echoed through the room as the perpetrator stab an alien's hand that was pinned to the ground with the person's feet

The screams that he thought was boboiboy's, turns out to be the screams of the aliens who dared to kidnap him

Boboiboy sat there emotionless and unharmed while admiring the pile of alien bodies in front of him and the lifeless body of the alien who he tortured

A sadistic smile across his face. Boboiboy turned around, his emotionless eyes peering into fang's soul. His eyes shifted to the watch in fang's hand. The emblem was grey

"... That's Grim" Kaizo mumbled




But here's a short one shot. I am working on 2 other one shots but motivation is out the window. Hope you guys like it!

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