36 || Perfect

353 33 7

"If you can live someone else's life, who would you choose? And why?" Yaya read, as she held the last card of the card game

She hummed in thought, not too sure of what to answer. Her thought process lasting longer than she thought it would

"No one really. I'm fully contented with my life" Yaya shrugged, finally decided on an answer

"Ying, your turn" Yaya said as she handed the card to her

"Same with Yaya" She answered before handing the card to Gopal

"Hmm" Gopal thought it through with all the people that popped in his mind

"Aha! Papa zola or Tok aba so I'll know how to make his cocoa. No! Wait—"

"Just pick already" Fang exclaimed, wanting to end this game already

"Geez, can't you wait" Gopal retorted, receiving a glare from the alien

Gopal thought about it hard, few seconds went by when he thought of his final answer

"I'd wanna be Boboiboy" He said, seeming proud of his answer

The others turned to each other, curious to the reason why

Gopal noticed their gestures. "Hey! Who doesn't wanna be like him, he's brave, powerful, kind and more! He's like the perfect guy!" Gopal reasoned

Yaya and ying turned to each other, "I mean he's right" Yaya said

Gopal chuckled proudly at his answer before giving the card to fang

Fang sighed, "I'm with gopal. That tangerine probably lived a perfect life!"

"I thought you were gonna choose your brother" Gopal commented

"I look up to him! I don't wanna be exactly like him!" Fang argued

The 2 boys continued to argue with each other while the girls just stayed there and ignored the boy's antics

Unbeknownst to the 4 teens, the "perfect" guy they talked about was standing by the door way. A small sad smile painted in his face

It's great that he maintained his perfect Image. Being able to convince his friends that he lived a perfect life. They don't need to know the truth...

He walked down the hallway towards his room, mind roaming around the thought of his Perfect life

They didn't need to know the struggles, and they'll never need to know

They don't need to know how loneliness was suffocating to a young child

They don't need to know how hard it is to grow up forcing yourself to be independent to live

They don't need to know how infuriating it is to often forget what your parents look like for being away too much

They don't need to know that his perfect personality is just an act to hide from his past

No, they don't need to know or will they ever need to know...

Boboiboy one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now