QnA answers!!

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Thank you all so much for sending questions!! I planned to post this sooner but school made it difficult.

Also, I didn't include some questions because I answered a similar question to it. And the boboiboy who answers your questions is from my au

For Author:

1. Can you please make a chapter in which boboiboy is serious, fang is dumb, Gopal is smart, yaya doesn't like to bake cookies and ying is not shy at all and is an extrovert?

I'll think about it, and I'll make sure to make it once I get free time feom school or when I'm not busy

2. Which comic of boboiboy galaxy season 2 is your favourite?

It would be issue 14 since it's where bbb activated his first 3rd tier, and I LOVE Beliung

3. Which boboiboy villian do you like the most?

Captain Kaizo. I know he's not really a villain but in the og series he kinda was. And not only was he my first cartoon crush, I really like his sense of duty. But, what I like the most about him was when he made drama between fang and bbb

4. Which one is your favourite character in BoBoiBoy? (Except BoBoiBoy) And why?

It would be fang. I love his overall character and the amount of angst I can write from his brother issues alone. And I really like how we don't really know about his past until the comics

5. Which character you think you are related emotionally. Like you are feeling same emotions as him/her.

Fang honestly, I just agree with the way he thinks and I know very well what it feels like to try to reach the expectations set by a family member

6. Who do you think is the best side character and best villian throughout the whole series (including season 2)?

For me tok aba is the best side character since at least he stayed with bbb, unlike Amato. And for the villains, I won't choose kaizo because he's not really a villain in Boboiboy Galaxy so I'll pick Adudu, I mean who doesn't like the comedic frenemy

7. Tell us your story about how your favourite food, Become your favourite food.

The problem is I'm really really indecisive, I can't choose a favorite food or even anything

For Boboiboy:

1. From scale 1-10 how many time you want to just Smack the live of those who always ruin the very peaceful and calm day?

Boboiboy: 9. Most of the time it's because of him. *points to gopal*

2. Do you perhaps know everyone in the kokotiam favorite things?

Boboiboy: If I could just remember...
(He doesn't)

3. Can you give the elements a hug and tell them you love them dearly?

Boboiboy: *Glances at the elements*

Boboiboy: Maybe in my next story

4. Do you have anything to say to mister tomato? say it to his face,i dare you Dino boy!

Boboiboy: *Looks at Amato*

Amato: ...

Boboiboy: Deadbeat.

5. If you can wish for one thing,what would that be?

Boboiboy: To be allowed to just solar blast the enemy to death. It's quicker.

6. Which elemental is your favourite?

Boboiboy: Neither. That's like saying if I have a favorite part of my brain. They're literally me.

7. If Amato came to meet you for atleast 1 minute, what would you say to him?

Boboiboy: Nothing. I'd kick him in the gut.

8. How did you and gopal became friends?

Boboiboy: It was a wonderful story when we were kids.

Boboiboy: *whispers* He forced me to be his friend.

9. Why don't you like Reverse? Did he do something really bad when ya'll were young or smtg?

Boboiboy (From Favorite child) : Because I don't know? I was told to do that

Boboiboy (From Prisoner) : At first I did because I thought he killed my mom but then I found out it was actually Vargoba

10. Please clarify the amount of hate you have for Amato

Boboiboy: From 1-10, it's 8. He's still my biological dad

11. I know you wouldn't choose to trust your father but if there's a situation where you had to choose between retakka or any villian you personally know and amato,Who would you choose?

Boboiboy: I may choose Adudu if he messes up one more. But as of now, I'll choose him because he won't try to kill me

For Elements:

1. Why don't ya'll just ask for a hug from your master and make up already? I miss you and Bbb together!!

Elements: We'll wait when he gives it to us. (Too shy to ask)

For Fang:

1. How does it feel wielding the elements after BBB died? 

Fang: Felt like a burden. I feel like I have to live up to his name even though I know I can't

2. HoW dId He DiE iN tHe FiRsT pLaCe???

Fang: Y'know the saying, "Your recklessness will be the death of you"? Yeah.

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