48 || Shadow's Trust

317 28 2

He felt alone...

Despite being surrounded by alien he and his friends saved, he felt like he wasn't supposed to be there...

He looked around noticing everyone wearing bright smiles towards his team, no. Towards boboiboy

Of course...

It's always boboiboy. The hero who defeated Retak'ka, the hero who delivered the final blast to Vargoba, the hero who vanished borara


He was there too. So why wasn't he recognized? Praised? Thanked?

He doesn't want to seem greedy or selfish, but he deserves attention too

After all, if he wasn't there against Retak'ka, who knows if the hero they admire so so much would have still won. He was the one who stopped their hero from getting swallowed up by Borara's black hole

So why wasn't he admired?

Their hero wouldn't even survived against Vargoba if Captain kaizo hadn't saved him

He isn't saying that he can beat powerful foes alone. But if boboiboy got praised by helping defeat powerful foes, why wasn't he praised as well?

"Fang? Come on!" Boboiboy smiled brightly at him


He held all those thoughts in 'cause boboiboy deserved it. He deserves all the praise, all the recognition, all the thanks. He deserved it all

"Yeah, yeah" Fang replied as he waved his hand dismissively

He took evenly paced strides towards the ship where his friends were waiting for him

"You were spaced for quite some time there, something wrong?" Boboiboy asked, his tone laced with worry and concern

"I'm fine" Fang shrugged

He'll push those thoughts down. After all, boboiboy did deserve it all


He was wrong. Boboiboy didn't deserve everything...

Yes, he deserved the people's admiration, praise, recognition. Especially when it's from the people and aliens he inspired and saved

But why was he doing the same?!

What was so special about him that you recognize him? Praise him?

Why can you treat him as family when you can't even take care of your own brother?!

He's able to ignore those praises when it's from the people and aliens they saved. But if it's from him...

It's unfair!

"Pang." His brother's stern voice spoke

It was just them left. Was the briefing over? He got lost in thiughts again...

"You chose a good friend. Boboiboy is a good example, maybe you can learn from him." Kaizo spoke

Fang's teeth clenched from jelousy? Anger? Frustration? He didn't know

Fang nodded doubtedly before leaving the conference room. Running in a fast pace towards his room

He ran pass Ying, getting a glance of his friend's worried gaze. He heard a faint call of his name, presumably from Ying but he didn't stop

Arriving at his room, he slammed the door shut, a loud sound echoing from the impact

He glanced at his watch before taking it off and placing it inside his desk drawer to avoid any power outburst from his emotional state

He couldn't let anyone know about his selfish thoughts...

Something caught his attention from the corner of his eye. Shifting his gaze towards it, his features relaxed

The framed image of when he was a child craddled in the watm hands of his brother. His mind travelled back to the times when kaizo still wore that warm, soft smile towards him. He missed those times

But the cold, stern glare he recieves from the very same person today, clouded his endearing thoughts about his brother...


The brother he was proud of, the brother he looked up to, the brother he adored

Was no longer alive...

If he isn't gonna act as the brother he once was, then he'll stop seeing him as the brother he onced adored. He's just the shadow of the brother he once knew

He slammed the wooden framed picture faced down, only seeing the stone cold glare of his captain in those soft scarlet eyes in the picture

"Fang...?" A worried voice broke him from his trance, accompanied with three slow knocks on the door

"Are you okay? You were crying when you ran past me earlier?" Ying concerned voice asked

He didn't even notice the tears streaming down his cheeks. Quickly wiping them off, not wanting to cry over someone who wasn't worth his tears

"I'm fine, I just— uh- found onions in my pockets earlier! Gopal must've pranked me, haha!" Fang laughed it off

She didn't need to know his predicament

"Okay then..." Ying replied, her voice still laced with worry, clear that she didn't belive his lie. "Just call me if you need someone to talk to" Ying spoke before her steps faded into silence

A heavy sigh escaped his lips. He grabbed his old watch, the one he used to use before he got his power watch

The hologram shone brightly in the dimly lit room. His hand navigating through the options, stopping at commander Kokoci's contact

Was he really doing this? His finger slowly traveled to press the exit button, feeling that this was an impulsive deci—

"Maybe you could lear—#æe  be more like him"

His eyes narrowed. His fingers typing through the screen without any ounce of hesitance


He put down the old watch, and sat on his bed. He really did it...

The message may have lacked formality but it was on impulse. And right now, he couldn't care less about formalities

'Dear Commander,

    I would like to make a private request to officially assign me a team, with me as the running leader. As  I would like to prove my worth to be promoted ss captain'

He shut his eyes closed, wanting to end this day. Not wanting to continue the dreaded feeling coursing through him right now

2:15 am

'Beep     Beep     Beep'

'Voice message recieved.'
'Sender: Commander Kokoci'

'Message will now play'

'Private Pang, we understand the reasons for your request and the higher ups has discussed that your request will be granted. We will inform you when we can arrange a team for you to lead next week. I will send the details regarding your transfer'

'1 message received'

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