28 || Guilt

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Footsteps echoed through the halls as boboiboy ran to the control room. Nobody informed him about this at all. He didn't know there was an admiral visiting. He didn't know he arrived a week ago. He didn't know this was the last day the admiral would be here. God forbid he kills those higher ups one day

"If we ever have a special visit we would like you to greet the guest in his stay since you're the hero of this station" 

He'll make kokoci eat those words of his

He slammed the control room open, baffled to see his whole team there without him. He also noticed how his team turned pale when he barged in. They're definitely hiding something

"Cadet, What are you doing here?" Tarung asked sternly

Usually boboiboy would fear the tiger admiral but right now he was too furious to even flinch at the tone tarung used. "A little birdie told me we have a special guest THAT I wasn't informed of" Boboiboy replied. Maybe blaze is getting to him... oh well

He noticed how his team and kokoci flinched, while tarung narrowed his eyes when he said that. Yeah, they're hiding something.

Kokoci cleared his throat, "What are you talking about cadet?". Yeah, boboiboy didn't buy that

And on cue, the automatic doors hissed open behind boboiboy. He noticed how everyone turned pale while tarung sighed in disappointment. He turned to see who was at the door, ready to pounce at whoever mop alien interrupted him

A man in his 40's wearing a white polo stood by the door. Color drained from the man's face as boboiboy turned to him, the boy's face turned to a look of shock and disbelief

"Amato asked us to not tell you about his visit" Tarung said

Boboiboy's eyes filled with rage. Red sparks danced on his arm and he stormed out of the room, leaving his friends confused and worried

"Wait! Oboi!" Amato exclaimed as he followed the elemental hero

Boboiboy tried to outrun the older male but was unsuccessful. He ran inside his room and close the door but Amato placed his foot by the door frame, stopping the door from closing. "Oboi! Look, I can explain..." Amato trailed off

Boboiboy turned to look at the older male. Amato was shock at how boboiboy's sweet caramel eyes were filled with tears that were threatening to fall, his eyes reflecting anger and sadness that was directed towards him

"Do you even care for me?!" Boboiboy snapped

He finally broke. Boboiboy finally broke. He was ready to forgive his father for leaving him when he was just 11. He was ready to forgive him when he was secretly visiting the station he works and not telling him, but... making his friends keep it a secret from him? Avoiding him the whole time he was in the station? It crossed the line.

"Boboiboy..." Amato whispered, worried

"I understood that you had to leave me. I know it was for work, to protect the universe. But I can't understand why you had to avoid me the whole time you were here" Boboiboy said staring straight into Amato's eyes

"You don't know how much it hurts knowing that the dad you miss so much is avoiding you" Boboiboy continued as a single tear fell. "tell me... why?" Boboiboy asked, his voice broken

Guilt. Guilt is the only thing Amato felt right now. Seeing his son broken and knowing that it's his fault, he couldn't help but just blame himself. "I... felt too guilty for leaving you behind..." Amato answered. He knew it was a pathetic excuse

Boboiboy felt his blood boil at his father's reason. That's it? "And you made it worse!" Boboiboy exclaimed. He took a deep breath to calm himself down before he ends up destroying the station. "Just... leave."


"Please." Boboiboy pleaded. He really needs to be alone right now

Amato understood that and nodded, he retracted his foot and allowed the door to be closed. Hearing the the door lock, Amato looked down on the floor in shame. He was the worst father

"I'm sorry..." Amato whispered

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