37 || Past Friends

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So someone requested a story about boboiboy's friends before he moved to Palau Rintis. They also gave some plots to follow, thanks for that btw it was great motivation


"This joint training is impactful, not only to your team but also theirs. And due to the lack of space here in tapops, your team will temporarily be staying at theirs." Kokoci explained

"Ochobot, open the portal" Tarung commanded

"Eh, wait! Aren't we supposed to know something about the other team? Like their Species? Age? Ranks? " Fang questioned

Kokoci nodded in acknowledgement. "They are humans, around your age and are mostly ranked as privates"

The gang turned to each other with confused faces on why the vague answers but they decided to shrug it off

"Ochobot" Kokoci called

"Okay, commander!" Ochobot replied. The power sphera then proceeded to concentrate some of his energy whilst keeping in mind the coordinates given to him

"Teleportation Power!!" Ochobot shouted as a portal opened before them

Boboiboy patted his sphera friend, "Good job!" He praised

"Let's go guys" Fang said as he took the first step into the portal, immediately recognizing the place to be the very station where he was raised

The others followed behind him, three of them wore an expression of awe as they took in the advanced structure of the station. While the one, took in the familiar scent, while also having a clue on who could they be training with

4 agents came and greeted them.

"Welcome to Laskar station. We are The Druids, I am Calix, the current leader. Pleased to meet you" The one with jet black hair and dark brown eyes spoke, glancing at boboiboy for a brief moment

"Thank you for welcoming us. We are the Kokotiam Gang, I am Boboiboy, the leader" Boboiboy replied. Fang eyed him, sensing the hidden intent in his friends voice

Calix nodded in acknowledgement. He turned to his team and nodded to them, allowing them to introduce themselves as well

The only female took a step. Her hair similar to Calix, her honey brown eyes showing one of observant. "I am Dria, Calix's Sister, my power is heal. I can heal any form of wounds to some extent, internal or external."

A dark brown haired boy took a step, his sage green eyes, serene and calming "Rune. I have telekinesis, I can control an object to some extent depending on the size"

Lastly, a blond haired boy took a step. His hair, evident it was dyed by the brown roots he had. His dark sea blue eyes standing out. "The name's Collin. My power is Speed, I can change a moving objects speed to my desire"

The gang nodded in unison, taking notes of their powers, Boboiboy turned to his team, Fang took a step forward

"Fang, I can Manipulate shadows, I can also make my shadow take form of anything in mind" Fang spoke, voice authoritive

Ying took a step. "My name is Ying, I can manipulate time in a certain area"

Yaya took a step. "Greetings, My name is Yaya, I can manipulate gravity to some extent in a limited area"

An alarmed sounded through the station. After it, The Druids stern and serious features softened

"Now that working hours are off, we can start our joint training tommorow!" Dria said in a joyous face

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