58 || Strenght

297 24 10

Fang wasn't one to get jealous so easily. Everyone knows that...

But when it involves his brother? It's a whole different story. His jealousy meter would flip like a coin

Boboiboy was the first to notice that flip...

The two most powerful members of the kokotiam group stood facing each other on the platform. The other members and a few higher ups spectating from the sidelines

Boboiboy stood there hesitantly. His mind racing with concern. The moment Fang challenged him to a duel earlier playing in his mind

"Why are you even doing this?" Boboiboy questioned as both of them circled around the platform

Fang stayed silent. His expression was unreadable. He thought of answering, after all the ones in the sidelines won't hear because of the protective barriet. But still he didn't gave the human the answer he wanted

Boboiboy sighed, trying to remember what happened recently that could make his alien friend act this way. And he found his answer...


"Good work, Cadet." Kaizo praised. Boboiboy smiled, after all it's rare to hear a praise from the space rebel captain

Kaizo stern gaze shifted to boboiboy's friend, focusing on Fang. "You shouldn't rely on him too much. I expect better" He said, his face in different but Fang could notice the hint of disappointment in his gaze

It enraged him. He was the one to lead half of that mission, why didn't get the praise? He was the one to make the plan? Why was Boboiboy getting praised?

Fang gritted his teeth, keeping his emotions in and avoided making a scene


"Are you jealous?" Boboiboy asked, his eyes narrowing in suspicion

Fang stopped his movements, the other stopping as well. His fist clenched as his rage wanted to slip out and say what he felt

"So what if I am?" Fang retorted. "I helped to you know, so why are you the only one getting appreciated?"

"Fang..." Boboiboy muttered, realizing the alien was genuine with what he saying in this moment. "Someone foes appreciate you. I wouldn't have done it without you—"

"Exactly!" Fang exclaimed, not letting the human finish. "You wouldn't have done it without us. Without me" Fang said, letting his emotion take control

"Everything special about you just came from a damn watch!"

Fang covered his mouth quickly, realizing what he had just said. He noticed the other's head was lowered and how his friend's fist was clenched. "Wait, I didn't—"

"Eh? That's what you think of me?" Boboiboy mumbled, his voice indifferent, startling the alien

"What's happening?" Yaya asked, noticing how their leader was acting a bit different

"A shame how we can't hear them" Tarung sighed

"This is useless..." Kaizo commented. "What was even the point of this?"

"Uh, what's Boboiboy doing?" Ying said, making the others turn to see what she meant

"Is he an dumb?? Why is he taking off his watch?!" Gopal exclaimed, worrying for his best friend

Boboiboy one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now