7 || The real villain

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"Will boboiboy please come to the control room. I repeat, will boboiboy please come to the control room" The speakers boomed

"Looks like I need to go. See you guys later" Boboiboy said bidding his goodbye to his friends

"bye boboiboy" the friends said in chorus

Boboiboy then left to go the control room, leaving his friends at the cafeteria table. His sillouet(?) getting smaller and smaller until it couldn't be seen.

"I wonder why he got called" Fang said

"Maybe he's in trouble" gopal replied

"Haiya, Gopal why would he get in trouble. He's literally an angel. He can't even kill a fly" ying said

"Except when "the fly" destroys or steal something precious to him. And what I mean by "fly" are villains especially borara and retak'ka." Fang commented

"Yeah, He literally killed those two aliens. And you say he's an angel" gopal added

"Can you all stop talking about him. I feel like your talking behind his back. " yaya said

"Ehhh, but we're not. We're talking about how he's a cinnamon roll that can kill you." gopal retorted


I reached the entrance of the control room and when I entered I did the tapops salute to admiral and commander

"Ahh, boboiboy we have a solo mission for you. " commander said

"Eh, why can't I go with my team?"

"Because this is a stealth mission. And you're perfect for this" commander said (btw, it's lunch hours that's why tarung is calm and the reason why the gang was in the cafeteria)

I only nodded in response

"Your mission will be on planet krile. We found one of our enemies there. We want you to spy on him and possibly get intel." commander explained

"And you need to leave as soon as possible. Understood cadet?"

"Understood, commander, admiral."

I then left the room to get ready for my mission.

End of Boboiboy's POV
At boboiboy's personal spaceship

"Good luck on your mission boboiboy" yaya said through the watch

"hehe, thanks guys"


Boboiboy heard this and decided to mess with fang.

"Fang are you jealous that I got a solo mission? "

"What! Ofcourse not!"

"yeah yea- oh shoot I have to land now. See you guys later."

"Ok bye!" his friends except fang said

Boboiboy's POV

I landed the spaceship and made it invisible. I then went to the area where the enemy is and I hid behind a large rock.

After a couple minutes of waiting I saw some movements by the mountain cliff. And so I decided to climb the mountain, when I reached there I was shock to see the scenery...

It was the same as my favorite picture from the postcard my dad sent me. Then I remembered my mission, I hid behind a huge rock. It was risky to peek as there was a chance that the enemy would sense me so I decided to transform into gempa.

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