34 || Prisoner

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Finally finished this!!

And also a small announcement, I wonder update regularly after the next one shot. I'll be taking it easy and try to balance my school and personal life first before making one shots, but if I have some free time I'll try to make one


"You are not allowed to make any contact with the new assigned team for the prison patrols!" Tarung exclaimed to the prisoners in the multiple cells

Everyone nodded in fear, no one dared to deny the authority of the fierce admiral...

"Or what"

... Except one

Tarung stopped his tracks as he heard those words. Turning his gaze to the cell of the culprit

"You must be the newly transferred prisoner. I'll give you a warning, 'cause it seems that you don't know how things work around here, Mr?" Tarung stated

"Mr. Who does not give a shit" The prisoner deadpanned

Tarung narrowed his eyes as the prisoner smirked. "You're interesting... And you look exactly like one of the cadets. An imposter, maybe?"

"Imposter?" The prisoner scoffed. "I'm the real deal. If anyone's the imposter it must be him" He sneered

"Hmm" Tarung hummed. He turned to the side of the cell to read the prisoner's basic info

"Clever. You erased your name to stay anonymous from me" Tarung smirked at the prisoner's clever move. "15 years old. Imprisoned for multiple thefts and scams on the higher authorities"

The culprit snorted, "You should've seen the face of the guy I sold a skunk tail"

Tarung hummed, seemingly confused of something. "1st degree Murder". Tarung's face glowered, murder is the only thing he wouldn't do and seeing a child do this was disturbing

What the Admiral didn't notice was that the prisoner lowered his head, as if he's ashamed


Beeping of a heart monitor echoed throughout the infirmary. A boy laid on one of the beds. Many machines wired on him to stabilize his condition

"Do you think he's okay?" Yaya asked in a worried tone

The others stayed silent as all of their worried gazes stayed on the boy

It was after the battle versus Vargoba. Boboiboy had the chance to end it quickly but for some reason he had different ideas

Cahaya, the 1st tier of the light element had a furious face, but it wasn't cahaya in control. His hazel brown eyes didn't have a hint of gold like usual, when an element is in control, there's always a hint of their color in his eyes

Cahaya, or rather boboiboy, crouched before the red skinned alien, saying something inaudible to the team. But they knew it was serious by the way how boboiboy's face darkened and how Vargoba laughed maniacally

"I should've helped him" Fang muttered

Ying placed her hand on the alien's shoulder. "Stop the self blame" Ying said. "He wouldn't like that" She mumbled


"Due to the incident. Your team will be free from any planetary missions, instead you'll be in charge of cell patrols t'il further notice" Kokoci announced

Fang, Gopal, Yaya, and Ying saluted and nodded before exiting the conference room

Yaya let out a sigh, "I guess, this is better than Dorm arrest" She said, remembering the boring days of their dorm arrest

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