21 || Betrayal

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"Just remember the plan." A brown eyed boy sternly said

"Yeah, yeah. I'll wait for your signal" another voice replied, while he rolled his blood red eyes at the other

"Come to think of it, who made you the leader?" The owner of the red eyes questioned as his eyes glared at the other

"Keep your voice down idiot!" The other whisper shout

"And I made myself leader. 'Cause, I made this operation work. Without me this operation wouldn't have made it this far" he retorted as his hazel brown eyes shot a glare at the other

The other's red eyes narrowed in annoyance, but he can't deny that the other was right. So he 'tsk'd in dissapointment and disappeared

'What...?' was the only thing ying could think as of now

She heard the whole thing, she couldn't believe there was a traitor in the station. She thought they got rid of all of the spies in the station

She quickly snap her self out of the trance, as she heard footsteps. Not wanting to get caught she quickly ran away

Meanwhile, the traitor reached the door frame. He looked both ways of the hallway, and he narrowed his eyes as he looked at where ying ran

"Looks like someone was eavesdropping. Not a problem, afterall the plan's almost comolete" he said to himself as he smirked in the darkness


"We called you here to discuss about another traitor" Admiral sternly said

"Traitor? So someone working at tapops..." yaya stated

"Affirmative. This time it isn't someone pretending to be a tapops member, but a real tapops member" Admiral said

"Lance corporal Ying, explain what you heard." the admiral continued

Everyone turned to the time manipulator. She stood from her chair, a bit nervous 'cause of the stares she was getting

"I heard them in the storage rooms. They were talking about a plan. One of them is the tapops traitor and the other one wasn't. I think the traitor let him in. They talked about a plan" Ying explained

"Did you see what they look like?" the commander questioned

"No. I ran away before he could see me" ying replied. Feeling a bit guilty for not seeing who it was

"Hmm, we can't check the cameras since there's no cameras in the storage room or the hallway to the storage room" tarung said

"Sorry to interrupt, but ochobot is ready to upgrade the watches" Nut said as he peeked his head through the door

"Very well" admiral said, as he nodded at the team. Signalling them to hand over their watches

The team complied and took their watches off, and handed them over to nut

"How long will it take?" fang asked

"ocho said it'll take about a week" nut replied, before leaving

"Since you don't have your watches for the week, you will be exempted from any missions this week. If the station gets attacked you will immediately find a safe place to hide. But, if the situation is dire, you will need to fight without your powers. " admiral said, voice full of seriousness

"Understood?!" the admiral shouted at the team

"Understood, admiral!" they chorused


The gang nodded and they headed out of the room. They felt a bit relaxed since they can finally rest for the week, it has been tiring for them to do missions full time

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